Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Superhero Help...

I'm going to geek myself out a bit, although I'm probably not a true fan because I admit - I do not read the comic books, but I am a fan of superhero movies, comic movies, etc.
So I need some help. I've seen the trailer for The Dark Knight. I'm quite excited - it looks fascinating. Well, since I'm not an avid comic reader, and I'm pretty much clueless on any backstory - I like to make sure I've watched the priors. I do this with all sorts of things actually...(I watched the entire SATC season before I saw the movie, I re-watched the Indy movies before I saw the new one, etc...). So - I have seen the older Batman movies (the 4 movies with 3 different batmans) but I had not yet seen Batman Begins. Amber and I had our movie night and chose to watch this.
Here's my question - Whats the difference between some of these superheros? I always thought of superheros as people with cool powers and what not. Well, it never really dawned on me - but Batman doesnt have "Special Powers". He's just a ninja, A bad ass ninja mind you, with nifty gadgets. (Personally I think his name should be changed to BatNinja instead of Batman, but thats just me). So I start going over this with Amber whose chuckling at my ignorance, but I'm curious...whats the difference? And whose who? Because now, since I watched the damn thing, I've been thinking to myself..."Who has magic powers?". For instance - Superman can fly - ergo magic power. But then I started thinking of all the Batman Villians - and they all dont nessasarily have magic powers - they're just bad ass with nifty gadgets and crazy. Right?
So is Batman the only Superhero story that doesnt actually have "powers" or is there more? Cuz I know the X-men have powers....but then I think...well...they have powers because they're mutants, so maybe thats its own thing.
Help me out?

Oh and on a side note...I took a "Superhero" test a while back and apparently I'm "Mystique". So I looked her up - and I like this one...I mean - she has a tiger. How bad ass is that!

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