Thursday, July 17, 2008

Headin Out...

So this coming Sunday I leave for Illinois for a week. This is the first time I've been away for an entire week I think since my honeymoon. I'll be gone July 20-July 27. Sunday to Sunday. I'm excited as hell, but also somewhat anxious. I dont have a dime to my name thanks to my asshole, inconsiderate, lying, no remorse, bastard ex husband. (Pardon that bitter rant). My dad and his wife - god love them - are paying for me to go (Flight, hotel, probably food). I'm so thankful and thrilled but at the same time I feel somewhat guilty. I'm also dreading the flight. I've only flown twice in my life. My senior year in high school - to NYC and back and once during my marriage - to Chicago and back. I get terrible motion sickness. I have that damn inner ear thing that makes most "Fun Stuff" a bit of turmoil for me. I called my Dr. today, and they prescribed me some sort of motion sickness pill. I hope its cheap and it works. I'm trying so hard not to work myself up over this whole thing, but I've heard the dreadful stories of flying out of John Wayne and flying over Colordado...Please GAWD dont let me get sick....
Eithier way - I'm excited. My other brother Jon is also flying out to meet up with us, and I'm always so thrilled to spend time with him. I'm going to Decatur. I'll get to see my Grandad whom I havent seen since my brother's wedding. I get to see where my dad grew up. I'm hoping I get to see a lighting bug (I've never seen one!). I've been told I'll probably be bored after the first day, because I'm such a city girl that goes goes goes all the time. I think it'll be good for me. Good to not do anything or think for a few days. Then we go up to Chicago for a few days. We're going to a Cub game at Wrigley Field on Saturday. My job is to get a baseball or two signed for my dad/brother. (Cute short cubbie tank...short shorts....I think I'll get it). I've had some friends suggest some restaurants, jazz clubs, etc. I'm hoping to meet up with the lovely Gretchen if only for an hour or so. I want to go to the Art Museum. (This is the one place I got to go last time I went). I want to eat a hot dog. Eat a pizza. Listen to jazz. Drink wine. Maybe go to SteppenWolf if not to see a show just to see the theater. I plan on taking a lot of pictures. I'm really truly so excited. I'm also so grateful to Dad and Lori for paying for me to go. There's no way I could do it otherwise. I cant wait. I hope I dont get sick on the flight. I hope I can be away from my babies for a whole week and not freak out. I hope I dont come home to a disaster, leaving the roomie alone and all...., I hope I can do as much as I can!
I'm sure the next blog from me will be all about the trip. I'm so excited to get a chance to take a real week vacation!!! Wish me luck gang!!!!


Rose said...

have fun! you deserve it!!!!

Amberkins said...

Good luck darling! I will tell you that I flew out of John Wayne for the first time a few years back going to Indiana in July and it was fine. I was terrified and I really didn't think it was any worse than flying out of LAX. Have fun! I can't wait to see all of your pics!