Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Illinois Day 3...

Everyone, and I mean everyone around here has personalized license plates. Its bizzare.
Still have the bite on the eyelid - its really starting to piss me off. I've also noticed wearing makeup here seems pointless. I put it on and it melts off. I honestly think my SoCal makeup isnt built for humidity and cortezone cream on the eye. Up at 6am today - 4am at home. Ya. For as quiet and slow of a town this is, you certainly cant fucking sleep around here. Almost fell out of bed again, but caught myself this time. Woke up to to 8 million birds, Sam's piercing bark and my Grandad (who always gets up at fucking dawn) movin shit around in the kitchen. Good fucking morning.
Anyway - yesterday. Pretty much family day. Got to meet a bunch of em. Day started off normal enough. Coffee (we drink ALOT of coffee here), wandering around, Jon and I chatting about whatever. Dad, Jon and I head off to the store to get some last minute supplies for the family BBQ while Lori is back making a crazy feast. We stop at DQ. I get a Heath Bar blizzard. I swear to GAWD I"m going to come back home 20 pounds heavier - oh and with powerhouse calves because this place is 2-story. Fuck stairs. Anyway, BBQ doesnt start till 4. Jon and I discuss how bored we are. Seriously. I tried to nap due to the no sleep the night before, but quite unsuccessfull. Jon comes back downstairs - "Least you slept!" I say - "I napped because I"m bored" he says. HA HA HA HA. Again - life stops here.
3:30 or so the familiy starts rolling in. I meet Tom and Shirley (Shirley is one of Grandad's sisters). I'm told by Lori that Tom is a pervert. I avoid hugging him hello. Then we have Wanda (Grandad's twin sister), then Bob and Margie (Another sister), Margie is a sweetheart, then Tom & Lois (Grams (my gramma who passed away when I was 7) brother), these 2 are a trip, and last but not least - Steve - the alcoholic son of Margie and Bob. Wanda is the only one I've met before, so her and I do some catching up. Throughout the next few hours I visit with the others. Margie I fall in love with. She asks me how my mom is, about my life. She's so nice. Steve is nice - interesting - but nice. He called me the movie star. At one point I heard Bob say to someone "She certainly is a California Girl". Tom and Lois and I share stories of our animals. As they leave I say my goodbyes, they all want me to come back. I tell them I"ll drive. As I hug Tom (the pervert) goodbye his hand drifts toward my breast. Yup. I grab it casually and say "Let me help you down the stairs...." ew. Margie wants me to bring mom with me. Wanda cant get over how much I act like dad. Kisses, hugs, waves.
The food was awesome. Lori made up a great spread, and of course all the family brought DESSERTS. Ya, we had brownies, cake, some pecan cocunut thing. Seriously. I'm coming home a fat ass friends - watch out!
The rest of the evening is spent, smoking, drinking, watching baseball. Very low key. Its a different world here. I am enjoying myself tho.
Today - we're off to Arthur - an Omish town....


Rose said...

perverts... oh goodness.

Jekkia said...

It sounds like you are getting some much needed down time- and recieving unconditional love from many people (pervert not included- ha!) You needed this trip- I am so glad you enjoyed yourself.