Monday, July 28, 2008

Illinois Day 7...

Today is the Cub Game. This is pretty much one of the main reason's dad wanted to bring Jon and I - to experience Wrigley Field. Now - let me all give you a quick background - We are Cubs fans. My family looooooooooooves the Cubs. I love live sports period. I dont even have to enjoy the sport all that much, but if its live I'll love it I'm sure. I'm an ex-athlete and still very competitive. Cubs fans are thier own species. These people are die hard baseball fans - die hard cubs fans. They would probably kill if it would help thier team win. Its how they are. Its Chicago Cubs. Anywhoo - we eat a quick breakfast at the hotel and head out. Dad wants us there early so I can attempt to get a signed ball for Shane. I get my new cubbie shirt and hat from dad and we head in. Wrigley is actually quite small and intimate. Our seats are the 2nd section back from the 1st base line. Brilliant. I head over to the section to try to get a ball signed. The boys warmed up. This was really ok for me to be watching I might those baseball players! ;) I stand out in the blazing sun for an hour. Sadly that attempt turned into a bit of an issue. There was this drunk guy. I mean really drunk. I tried to ignore him, figured all the kids around me it'd be fine. Nope - I got accosted. Yup. Dude grabbed me. About this same time is when security escorted the man out. He was causing a bit of a scene, sadly they didnt get to him by the time he got to me. Whatever. I stormed back over to my family, bitched and got over it. Moving on. The stadium started filling up. Wrigley also has apartment buildings that people have built seating on top of. It was fantastic. Place was PACKED. We got our "Chicago Dogs" (BEST HOTDOG IN THE WORLD MIND YOU), beers, peanuts and got ready for some real baseball. I'm sorry but Angel Stadium is lame with its waterfall and panda express and shit - Wrigley is what baseball is all about. The game starts and I'm in awe at the crowd. EVERYONE is in cub attire (Cept the damn Marlin fans...but they were few and far between). The crowd would jump up and cheer anytime the Cubs did anything! When it was 2 outs and 2 strikes (Cubs as defense) the crowd would jump up and cheer hoping the pitcher struck him out. Everytime the cubs hit a ball the crowd jumped up. My favorite - is if the Marlins hit a homerun (Into the bleachers seats) and someone caught the ball - THEY THREW IT BACK! I was dying! I also got to witness Lou (Cubbie Coach) go off on a shitty call by the 1st base ump. This guy is famous for his temper tantrums and it was happening right in front of me!!!!!! The whole crowd was up and screaming. I was hoarse by the end of the game. Unfortunatly the cubs lost (IN THE 12TH INNING MIND YOU) but that was seriously the best ballgame I have ever attended. The commradory, the competitivness, the faith and love these people have for their cubbies is awesome and I got to be a part of it!!!!!!!!!!! GO CUBS! When we got back into the city we went out for some chicago pizza at Giordanos. We waited 2 hours but it was worth it. Wandered around some more and called it a night. We were all sunkissed, happy, fat and exhausted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to apologize on behalf of the asshole who grabbed you. Not all men are like that.