Friday, August 21, 2009

San Antonio Trip Day 1

Well, here I sit in Phoenix, drinking wine out of a Best Western paper cup. Thats right - I'm all about class. But I have my compadre B here with me sharin the other half of the bottle. Sadly I have to admit I was not looking foward to this trip whatsoever. I work for PSO and they have sent me to the Tessitura Conference in San Antonio Texas. I told them I dont fly because I usually barf thinking this would be my get out of jail free card. We talked about driving and they said "We'll get you a rental car and your on your way!" Well....I'm in now. Luckily B is drivin with me-bein an apparent fan of roadtrippin. I'm going to attempt to blog daily now that I actually have a laptop- but we'll see. We dont really know where we're staying or what the hell I"m doing for the most part, but we'll see! :)
Its day 1. I rolled out of bed trying to think positive about this whole thing and quelling the damn anxiety burrowing in my belly. I"m giving extra attention to the girls hoping they wont freak out while I"m gone.
I'm packed and ready to go. The lovely bro drops me off at National rent a car to meet our CFO and my co-hort. Of course they're late. Of course said co-hort has to finish a few things at the office and of course said co-hort has to drop is damn car off in Balboa. Sigh. We finally hit the road about 1:30. We head out in our Chevy Impala. As we trek out we realize...why are there random ants appearing. Whatever...we kill them move on. We of course hit the brutal 91fwy traffic but finally are on our 10 stretch. More ants. WTF!!! We stop at a random Wendys in Moreno Valley somewhere when both of us realize we havent really eaten yet. We trek on. We decide to stop in Blythe to gas up, pee, smoke, walk around etc. This is when we realize both sides of our doors have ant colonys...ANTS FUCKING EVERYWHERE!!!! We try to get rid of what we can but they're coming from somewhere we cant get to. I fight off the visual I have of why they are there...and we move on. Of course the whole drive we find a little fucker and kill it and it seems they're getting more frequent. Whatever. I get quite excited as we start to see saguara cactus and I'm bound to stop and take a photo...I have yet to. As we're rolling into Phoenix we see flashes. B thinks I'm crazy but happily he sees I"m right and super excited...we're watching a kick ass lighting storm. It starts to rain a bit but the lightning is sick! After a slight battle of B looking for a hotel..(why did this seem like and old marriage couple squabble) I pull off the hwy - whip out the tour book and find us a hotel off the 10. Best Western it is. Aside from a funny smell coming in, and a bit of a battle with the bathroom light - its do-able. B and I are satisfied. We head out for some Claim Jumper grub, plan on going and getting some bug spray tomorow and are finishing our bottle of wine here in the room in our fancy Best Western Paper Cups!!!! Tomorow we head out again!

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