Monday, August 4, 2008

The Dark Knight

Amber and I went and saw The Dark Knight yesterday. Looooooooooooved it. Now, I'm not a comic book expert by any means - in fact - I dont read them at all. But I do dig the comic book movies. Well, some of them. I have always been a fan of the Batman movies.

Dark Knight was fantastic. It was dark, scary, suspenseful, funny, action packed, etc. I'm gonna put a warning here ***SPOLIERS***

I dont know if I'll "spoil" or not, but just in case. First of all - Batman's gadgets. I want them. They are so fucking fun!!! After watching yesterday's flick, I've decided not only do I want his batmobile - I want the motorcycle thing that pops out of the batmobile when it gets smooshed. Its so much fun!!!! Morgan Freeman plays such a loyal & honest character as the maker of all these nifty things.

The acting in this is brilliant. Starting with Heath Ledger. Alot of hype has been surrounding his performance, especially due to his untimley, tragic death. There's oscar buzz and everything. He does live up to it I must say. His portrayel of The Joker is fucking nuts. Jack Nicholson's performance was more goofy & comical (Which was fantastic as well), but Heath's is much more menancing, psychotic, and pretty much insane. His physicalities are great. I love the constant licking of his lips as if he's some kind of janked up snake. He's scary. He has no remorse. He was brilliant. Now - as much hype is surrounding Heath - you CANNOT discount the other performances. Aaron Eckert does a brilliant job as well. Harvey Dent (Two-face) is a true soul. Honest, trustworthy - they call him the White Knight. You love his character. He's likeable and brave. When trajedy strikes and he becomes Two-face the switch in his character is fantastic. He becomes this vengeful creature, torn apart by grief. Plus - major props to the make up people!!!! When you first see the burned side of his face its shocking!!!! Gary Oldman is also amazing. First of all I loooooooooove to see him playing the "good guy". Oldman is one of my favorite actors of all times anyway, so I'm a little bias. But he's so great in this. He's honest, stalwart, trustworthy, a true hero. His range of emotion in this role is beautiful. His style is so sublte and it works brilliantly well. Michael Caine and Christian Bale are, as before, lovely as Batman and Alfred. They work together fantastically. Maggie Guylenhall plays Rachel. MUCH BETTER then Katie Holmes.

What I also loved about this movie was the suspense. The scene when the 2 boats each have bombs on board and they have to decide who blows who up is phenominal. Its very rare that I'm holding my breath in a movie. Dark Knight does a fantastic job of not making you feel safe. Characters die you dont expect. Trajedy strikes mercilessly. The Joker is fucking crazy and he proves it, so anything can happen! I love that. I love that a movie can make me feel suspenseful like that! The action of course is way fun. Lots of explosions and fantastic fights and fun.

All in all the movie was great. It lived up to all its hype! I highly recommend checking this one out!!

1 comment:

Jekkia said...

I loved it too. It greatly disturbed me. But I concur with this one- Brilliant!