Monday, February 24, 2020

Birthday Weekend...

I moved.

I totally forgot about my birthday until a little over a week ago when my mom asked me "What do you want to do for your Birthday?".

I mean I love getting presents.  But I'm so tired.  I always go back and forth whether I should do it up or lay low.  Doing it up usually wins out, but this year - I laid low.  I wanted a pedicure and sushi.  That's what I got and that brought me joy. 

Birthday was as follows:

Got up and did a solo nature walk at Oak Canyon for my Artists Date.  (If you don't know what that is - you can see that journey here.)

Back to the new pad where Pat/Elise and I did an adventure out of this Adventure Book.  Pat got a family version and a couples version.  I'm sure you'll be seeing blog posts on some of those adventures!  We chose an easier one since we were on a time limit and had to basically create an obstacle course with yarn.  We added a "Get a cookie out of the pantry" portion to make it interesting.

Then I was off to meet mom and the girls for a pedicure!

Then I got my sushi dinner with a perfect crew of loved ones.

It was a perfectly lovely day and a big ol sappy thank you to all who made it so!

This is 44
I'm very excited by this Birthday Presie!  Squeeeaaa!
Adventure Time

Guess who was the fastest :)
Stacy Pedi

Mom, Robin and D Pedi

Me Pedi
My loves


Pretty Girls!

Love both these boys to pieces

A perfect Birthday Dinner

The night before my birthday we celebrated the 50th Birthday of a beautiful human being named Anita.  This woman has a light inside her that brings you pure joy.  Julie threw her an amazing little shin-dig in the OC since she lives down south.  It was a glorious evening of seeing folks I never get to see!  Happy Birthday Neetz!

These two

Like I love them so hard

This lady is a light

My Jules


T and Sean

I'm not sure

OCC Reunion

This kid is such a snuggle bunny

And a singer


Laughter all night

Serious Snuggle Bunny

Cream Puff Tower.  Dude.

Yay for Pisces!!!

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