Monday, February 24, 2020

Artists Way Week 5 & 6...

Welp - had to combine two, because Week 5 kinda got thrown away.  Remember that move I mentioned?  Yeah - good GAWD it was a lot.  You can read about it here.

I almost threw in the towel for The Artist's Way.  Then I almost just said - "I'll just re-do Week 5".  But I decided it's ok to have a really slacky week.  Like I said, I've done this a couple of times, so it's ok.  I need to take that pressure off myself and actually enjoy the process, which I really am when I'm not rushing and trying so hard to "Do it right."

So Week 5 kind of blew.  Recovering a sense of Possibility is the chapter.   It asked you alot of questions like What's the biggest lack in your life...What's your largest time commitment...I feel guilty because....You sabotage yourself for people because....Lots of those types of question - none of my answers came as a surprise to me.  I lack art, I love my people, I'm stuck...blah blah.  Then there was a "Speed Wish List".  Again most of these - duh - but a few stuck out that surprised me a little:  I wish I was smarter was one.  The other was I wish I could figure out my camera.  Hmmmm.  That whole patience thing is my nemesis when it comes to learning things.

Me EVERY. TIME. I try to learn things...especially technical shit:

I didn't do an Artists Date, and basically once the move kicked in I did no morning pages.  I probably missed like 4 or 5 days in a row.  But when I decided to get back on the train I did ok!

So Week 6:

I hit the re-set button and started back up the Morning Pages on Tuesday of this week and have done them every day since.

This chapter was recovering a sense of abundance. Money. UGH.  I've never been good with money, nor have I ever made a whole lot - so this chapter wasn't as fun for me because it's just reiterating what I already know I feel like.  There were a lot of questions about money...nothing surprising.  So let's just move past that one.

They had a few things to do this week - Find 5 interesting shaped rocks.  Pick 5 interesting flowers/leaves and press them - maybe adding them to your Image File.  Bake something.  Mail 5 postcards to 5 friends.

I was reminded I had an Image File!  I whipped it out and added a few other things.  I'd like to actually get back to doing that again, so I've pulled it out so I can see it and remember.

I also believe the whole rock thing is what got me into painting rocks, which I do once in a while.  So I guess I got more out of previous Artist Way Journeys that I remember.  So that's cool!  I did go on a mini hike with Pat Friday night and grabbed a few interesting looking rocks.  None I can really paint, but I put them in our yard and maybe I can make a little shrine or something.

I'm not much of a pressed flower/leaf kinda gal so I skipped that one.

The postcard one - I want to do this one, but I didn't get around to it.  I need to actually go buy some postcards.  I'll try to do this in the next coming weeks.

I didn't bake - but I did make my Caprese Skewers for a party I went to on Sat night and they were a huge hit!

SO good

I also completed something else I really needed to do: My space.  I needed a sitting area/meditation area/my area.  I started to set it up in the corner of our room and once I bought myself a chair - it was complete!

My little spot
 My Artists Date this week was one of my favorites to date!  I took it actually on my birthday. I  had thought about checking out some of the pretty nature near my new place, and Pat mentioned Oak Canyon Nature Center.  What a pretty place!!!  I also have been here before once years ago I realized.  Now I live right by it!  It was a perfect way to start my birthday.  I'm actually starting to think that I may do an Artists Date once a week even after this journey.  Moving from living alone to so many years to living with others is a difficult adjustment.  I think these Artist Dates will be just what I need.  It was such a beautiful quiet morning.  There were two geocaches which I of course had to find, but it was mainly just me wandering around and taking in the beauty and the quiet.  I also took pictures that jumped out at me. (Love the Portrait Setting on my phone!)  It really was just perfect.

This is a happy girl

I'm really proud of myself for sticking with it.  I really did want to just quit when the move started really consuming my life, but I'm so glad I didn't.  Get much as I hate the Morning Pages - I did find my "Writers Book of Days" when I was unpacking...I might (JUST MIGHT) replace my morning pages with that once this journey is complete.  I kind of like the whole getting up and writing....

On to Week 7!!!

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