Monday, March 2, 2020

Artists Way Week 7...

This weeks chapter was recovering a sense of connection.

I get the feeling its wanting to help you try to re-connect with certain aspects of life that guide you towards that creative self.

I talks about listening, about perfectionism, jealousy.  Who are you jealous of and why?

A few of the questions asked I found I had interesting answers to were:

As a kid I could have used:  Better Teachers
As a kid I lacked: Focus (This hasn't changed)
I am sorry that I will never again see: My grandparents (I really miss them so much lately.  They would be so happy and excited with the fact that I've found someone and living with them.
I beat myself up about the loss of: Innocence.  I think we forget out important this is when we're young and how quick we lose it.
Writing my morning pages has shown me: I don't hate is as much as I used to.
I"m taking a greater interest in: This whole process.

It also asked you to list 5 favorite films as quick as you can and then look at them and see what it says.  It's so funny because I'm such a horror junkie but my list of 5 is: Chef, Under the Tucson Sun, Stealing Beauty, Labrynth and Legend (I thought of the both at them same time) and Rear Window.  I think I find myself really drawn to movies that are beautiful and make me feel good in my soul.  So of course I'm going to post pictures of them!

A lot of the little things it tells you to do this week seem very self care like...take yourself to a sacred space, listen to one side of an album, wear a favorite outfit for no reason, etc.  I did a few, but find I already do this in my daily life anyway.  If it brings me joy I do it!

I did try to tackle my Image File a bit more.

I did my morning pages every day!  That's right!  Every damn day!!

For my Artists Date this week I took myself to the movies!  I haven't done that in a really long time.  I caught a 9am showing and watched Birds of Prey.  I had been wanting to see it and knew it would probably be a fun girl power movie and that's exactly what it was.  It was only me and 3 other comic book geek lookin dudes in the theater but I found myself squealing and clapping with delight many times!

I took a lot of time for myself this weekend.  I had my pad to myself and I just relaxed, enjoyed the quiet, took lots of walks and sat out in my little yard often.  It was a good weekend for sure!

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