Sunday, February 2, 2020

Artists Way Week 3...

There was a fun little list this week:
My favorite child toy was:  Probably a stuffed animal - I always loved them.
My favorite childhood game was:  Wiffle Ball - we'd play in the street.
The best movie I ever say as a kid was:  I loved the Aristocats.
I don't do it much but I enjoy:  Coloring.
If I could lighten up a little I'd let myself:  Be less OCD.
If it weren't too late I'd:  Change Careers.
My favorite musical instrument is:  Drums.
The amount of $$$ I send on treating myself to entertainment each month is:  Too much.
If I weren't so stingy with my artist I'd buy her:  An art room.
Taking time out for myself is:  Easy.
If I had a perfect childhood I'd have grown up to be:  Someone who went to college.
If it didn't sound too crazy I'd write or make:  A book
What makes me feels weird about my recovery is:  Am I doing it right?
My most cheer up me music is:  Happy Music - I have a list.
My favorite way to dress is:  Comfy.

There was a lot of other questions after this - things from your childhood, bad habits, friends who nurture, people I admire, etc.  I'm considering writing thank you notes again to the Nurture folks.  Maybe send a letter to the folks I admire.  This is a possible Artists Date in the future.

I missed 3 days of morning pages this week.  Friday had a work retreat so had to leave early, then Sat was at a hotel and today was just a lazy ass.  I promise I'll get back to them tomorrow.

My Artists Date is going to be a 2 parter - I took about 20 min or so and went to grab a Geocache at Handy Park.  I then strolled around a bit and took a little trip down memory lane!  This is where I went to Elementary School.  I then plan to pamper myself tonight with bath, mask and pedi to myself. 

I really don't have too much to report this week.  Other than I had dinner one night with someone it looks like I'll be working with in the summer on an theatrical project!  I can't mention details now, but fingers crossed that will come to fruition.

I'm in the process of getting ready to move over Valentine's Weekend and that's been inhibiting this Artists Way Journey a bit.  I'm not quitting or giving up, but there may be a couple weeks I don't put as much time I'd like to into this, but I'm keeping at it.

I'll be getting Happy Hour with my friend whose doing this week me on Tuesday night this week so we'll be able to really chat about it so far which I'm totally looking forward too!

Onto Week 4!!

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