Sunday, February 9, 2020

Artists Way Week 4...

This is kind of another half ass week.

I hate to say that, but honestly this move is going to impact this journey probably more than I thought, but it's ok.  I've done this before so I'm familiar with a lot of the tasks and chapters.

I did my morning pages almost every morning.  I missed Friday due to me having a massive anxiety attack because I had to have my cat fast the night before and try to get ready as fast as I could that morning so she wasn't screaming at me too much that she was starving and have to some how sneak her into the cat carrier.  Let's just say not a great morning.

I also sucked and didn't do them Sat or Sun because I had to get up super early and I'm freaking exhausted.  So - FAIL.

One night this week I went out with my Artists Way buddy and she's doing great!  I'm super stoked that she's enjoying this process!

The main thing we were supposed to do this week is called Reading Deprivation.  Now - I totally get why she does this but - this was written in the 90's.  Internet and phone use was not what it is today, so rather than deprive my reading - I deprived my phone play and TV binging.  The whole point of the exercise is to find something better to do with your time - mediate, knit, create, etc.  I think in today's society there's a lot of us that already do this.  Our phones and devices have taken up so much of our time and distracting us that we feel the need to put into place efforts to quell this.  So the good thing is this wasn't super hard because I kind of already do it.  If I find myself wasting time on my phone too much or binging too much TV I do something about it.  Plus this week my social calendar happened to be pretty full so I didn't find myself with too much time wasting time.  One night though I did get home earlier and I normally probably would have just turned on the TV but rather I colored!

The tasks this week were listing a bunch of things that "sound fun".  Classes, hobbies, things I wouldn't normally do, fun skills to have...etc.

Hobbies are pretty standard for me.  Although I did write down Tai Chi - so I may need to revisit that.  I'm really wanting to take some classes, most likely will be future Artist Dates.  The used to enjoy doing was something I also want to re-visit - like riding my bike and crafting.  I also kind of liked the "5 Silly things you'd try once".  I don't think mine were silly but what do you think:
Shoot a film, Do Cabaret, Surf, American Ninja Warrior, Drive Route 66.  Hmmm...interesting....

I also kind of half assed my Artists Date this week.  I did an almost all day Food Tour with my friend Taylor and was so damn worn out Saturday night when I planned to date I just stayed in.  But I think I reasoned pretty good - this time next week I'll be living in a new place with my boyfriend and his kiddo and their dog and my cat and will be adjusting to the totally new life.  So - I wanted one last night alone.  To do absolutely nothing.  I need to check out and not think and not worry and I know I'm not supposed to watch TV this week, but I binged Sabrina and drank wine and just let myself numb out.  It was actually quite nice and I think really needed.  Today on is going to be a whirlwind and the whole move will be tough so I needed that one last time.

I'm super inspired by my friend doing this - she's taking a Candle Making Class today for her Artists Date and she's doing so good!  It brings me such joy that she seems to get getting a lot out of this so far and she's pushing me (She doesn't realize it probably, LOL) to not throw this aside and get back to it later.  The next couple of weeks may be rough because I'll be moving, then adjusting to new life and working on getting settled but I won't stop.

On to Week 5!

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