Monday, January 1, 2018

2017 Recap...

Well shit.
I went back and read my 2016 Recap and this year was even worse.
Thanks Trump.  You fuckwad.

Unfortunately this blog will be very similar to the last one.  I am going to hit the highlights, like bullet points.  As I was thinking about what I was going to write, I was having a hard time coming up with the good.  I'm not going to lie - this year was hella brutal.  I don't like to end on a negative note, and I'm fighting not too but in all honesty - this year blew for the most part.  I'm going to get the bad out of the way 1st:

I lost 3 dear people.  My amazing friend BC. #fuckcancer  Then 2 of my best friends moms.  Karen and Liz.  Karen was a lovely woman who had a wonderful laugh. #fuckcancer. I was close to Liz and she was like a 2nd mom to me.  Knowing I will not be slapped upside the head because I can't understand something she tells me in her thick Scottish brogue rips my heart apart.  Rest in Peace my precious friends.

This year also brought me heartbreak.  I don't remember the last time I had to deal with that.  It SUCKS!  I met a guy, thought - I finally found him!  My person! I fell in love with his daughter. He talked about our future.  But no - he was a fucking heartless robot.  Wow.  I was totally snowed. That hurt.  So - also - to him:


BUT - with all the heartbreak, with our country crashing down around us, with all the bullshit and the tragedy and the tears and the OH MY GOD FUCK 2017 - Let's throw in the good shall we?

Here goes:

Let's start with one of the biggest highlights - The Women's March!  That's right - 3 million women marched all over the United States in a PEACEFUL protest.  Yes - PEACEFUL.  Not one incident of violence.  In the biggest protest in the history of the US - no violence!!!  Why? Because women fucking rule.  You can read about it here.  Here was our little posse

I did a Food Tour because - Food.

I also did a 5K that included Brunch and Champagne because - Food.

I always love Bob's Irish Spirit Run

Mom and I hunted Easter Eggs at Disneyland

Although this music festival is now tainted because I went with the dude who eventually ripped my heart out - It was still amazing - him aside.  Terri was with me as well and I got to see some amazing music and have some amazing food at Arroyo Seco

I got to go to the Museum of Ice Cream
Did our annual OC Fair trip.  Oh and did I mention that Shane and Danelle moved back home?  Oregon didn't work out.  I was bummed for them but you know how happy I am to have them back!

Mom, Taylor and I went to Midsummer Scream

I took a Road Trip - which is also now tainted because guess who was with me - but the highlight was the reason I went - to see my baby brother retire!  There are 3 separate blogs in August if you want the jist, but aside from who I was with it was gorgeous.  I plan to do a Sedona/Grand Canyon re-do so I can make some new better memories!

Halloween Season is always my favorite time of year and this year was no exception!  Haunt, Hayride, Horror Nights and a Horror Train are just to name a few!  I also dyed my hair pink for a couple months - that was fun!

Got to watch my friend kick ass at her 1st Rugged

Had a lovely Thanksgiving
And an even lovelier Christmas

I also hit some rad events!

Enchanted Forest of Light

29 Rooms

And Yayoi Kusama at The Broad

I also got onstage!  It was only for 1 night but it was a blast!  It's always a hoot to participate in the "Dolt's" Only Xmas Pageant at Stages.

I finished the year appropriately for a crap-tastic year - home - not feeling great.  I actually got to a party but had to leave because - of course.  So, another NYE home with the kitties.  They of course didn't mind.

So - to 2017

And to 2018:

I'm hopeful you guys.  Truly hopeful.  We've had 2 shitty years in a row - it's time for a good one!  I hope to meet my person this year.  I hope we can all continue to find the good among the rough mess our country is in right now.  I hope great art will be made and I hope to be a part of it.  I hope to find out more about myself.  I hope everyone stays healthy and happy and we all hang on to that hope.  Don't let hope die.  I know I won't!

Here's to more blogs, more photo play dates, more theatre, more love, more adventures and lots more laughs!  Happy 2018 my friends!

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