Friday, August 25, 2023

Artists Way Week 6...(Re-Do)

This week was Recovering a Sense of Abundance.
Seems to be a money theme these last two weeks.  The only writing task we had this time was there was a list of fill ins.  Some examples:
People with money are...
Money is...
If I had money I'd...
Like 20 of them.  The jist in my answers was basically if you have money you're comfortable.  I don't come from money.  I've been broke basically my whole life.  I'm a bit more financially stable now, but that's thanks to my husband mostly.  And yeah - if I was rich I'd friggin retire and travel.
I mean who doesn't want money.  I think I recall Week 5 & 6 must have been my least favorite because yeah...who the hell doesn't want money?!  LOL

I do like the little "to-do's" this week though.  One is collect 5 interesting or pretty rocks.  I actually didn't get around to this but I recall when I did this before, I lived across the street from hiking trails so I grabbed a bunch.  It ended up being a habit of mine to pick up cool rocks then I'd paint them.  I got Pat & the kid to help sometimes too.  I've since painted all my extra rocks, so this makes me realize I need to re-stock and paint some more!

Another is pick flowers or leaves and press them.  I'm not much into pressing flowers which is what I said last time, but interestingly enough an article popped up on my feed about this very thing.  I read it - and maybe it could be cool.  I do like the idea of pressing flowers into notecards or something and mailing them since I love to send people random mail.  So maybe?

Bake Something.  Now I bake and cook on the reg, so this wasn't something different for me.  I didn't bake anything this week because it's hot as balls, but I did have a girlfriend come over last week who doesn't eat meat (except smoked salmon) and made us a yummy little lunch spread that I was quite proud of and it was quite delicious! 
Get in mah belly!
Mail 5 postcards to friends.  This one tied into my Artists Date!  I ordered a book of "Punny" Postcards to send out, because I don't think I did this last time and really wanted to this time.  It's a book of 30 so I certainly just plan to mail these randomly when I feel like it, but 5 went out in the mail this week!
Add to your Image File which I finally whipped out and did just that!
There are other exercises to do, but these are already a part of my regular life (getting rid of old clothes, clearing space, etc).  Also re-reading a bunch of things which I'm terrible at.

I missed two morning of morning pages.  One was after a late night rehearsal and the other was after drinking too much wine.  But only missing two I think is pretty good!

For my Artists Date this week I was planning a picnic in the park and to write my 5 postcards.  When the day arrived I didn't have the right food to bring along really,  so was just going to go wander and write.  Well on my way to the park I passed the cemetery I did for my Artists Date a few weeks back.  I thought - "you know what?  I'm going to chill in that beautiful cemetery under that pretty tree and write my postcards!  And find that geocache I couldn't find last time now that I have a hint".  So that's exactly what I did and it was just peaceful and lovely!

Can you see it?!  No wonder it was so hard to find

Really good camo

Pretty sun streams

I watched this man in a work truck pull up.  I was thinking they were going to start working right by me and I'd have to move, but instead this man got out and knelt by this grave.  He stayed like that for awhile then left.  I found myself wondering who was he visiting?  It was such a simple sweet sad human moment I felt honored to witness.

Sun stream Selfie

My 5 postcards written and ready to be mailed!

The oak tree that provided me solitude today.

I'll be checking in with Justin this weekend after not chatting last week, so I'm sure we'll have a lot to catch up on!  This is the half way point!  I'm really enjoying this journey again and so glad I picked it back up!


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