Friday, August 18, 2023

Artists Way Week 5 (Re-Do)...

Well it seems like it wasn't just COVID that crapped on my Artists Way journey last time, but also the big move in with my boyfriend (now hubs).  I basically skipped week 5 entirely last time.  LOL

Not this time!

This chapter was Recovering a sense of possibility.

Lots tasks/questions/quizzes this week.

One of the things they do is the "Virtue Trap Quiz".  Not much of note here but there is still that "me" time yearning.

There's a 10 things I want to do but "not allowed" to do.  I mean...I basically do what I want but almost all of them are money related - like if I had unlimited money I'd do them.  Get more tattoos, dye my hair red (and maintain it), join more wine clubs, etc.  Not much of note here either except who doesn't want more money right?

Then you do a speed wish list - I wish....19 of em.  Ones that jumped out: I wish I was better at a lot of things.  I really want the struggles with the kid to get better and they be ok and we have a normal life.  I'm  still very self conscious.  Interesting but I suppose not surprising.

We list grievances.  A lot of mine were about others I worry about.

Then we do the "If I had money..." one.  Um - so many things.  The big one is traveling.  I'd love to take my mom on a road trip across the US.  We'd always talked about doing the 127 Yard Sale.  I want to travel more - that's a definite realization I've had so far during this process.  Also taking fun classes.  

We have our negatives - how we're mean to ourselves. None of these are news.

Then we have things we'd like to own.  (Like does this chapter just suggest we all go get super rich?)  Also no news here.  Art Room.  Wine Cellar.  A Travel Van - this got me realizing I would like to get something like this in the future if we could.  Like I don't want an RV - too big.  But like a travel van would be cool.  Something we could easily travel around in and mostly stay at places but every now and again maybe stop at campgrounds ya know?  Something easily drive-able and can go anywhere but can be like a camper when we need it to.  Something like this:

It's interesting to me how travel is coming up so much more lately.  Oh to have money rain from the sky...

I did my morning pages all but one day.  Realizing the day after a late night rehearsal (I'm in a staged play reading!) and have to work the next day calls for all the sleep I can get.

I do think I experienced some synchronicity this week!  Pat is out of town for a few days, so I took Friday and Monday off work to give myself a little mini stay-cation.  Now I have the dog to deal with, but still - 4 days to myself.  I was going back and forth on what I want to do for my Artists Date.  So many options!  But I have of course built in a busy social calendar this weekend so I was like ...hmmm...when.  I found it silly to be stressing over it.  I was going to go on a hike in the morning, I could do a picnic in the park, what can I do?  I even chatted with Justin about doing a spa night to myself - but it's so damn hot.  So Friday morning I was up early - since Pat was as well as he headed off to Utah - I told Poe we're going to do a good walk this morning around the park.

So off we went.  As I was walking I thought to myself - well this right here is a nice Artists Date.  And you know what - I'm basically having a bunch of mini Artists Dates all weekend!  I also found myself thinking "Shoot, I should have brought a pen.  There's a new geocache over here in this park I've been wanting to look for.  Oh well, next walk I suppose".  Walking along enjoying the humid morning when I glanced down and noticed a pencil.  I kept walking right by it, then I thought "JAMI!  THAT'S THE UNIVERSE GIVING YOU A PENCIL!".  Then I thought "No it's not, plus those people ahead of me see me and Poe speed walking and are going to think I'm weird if I turn around and go pick something up off the ground".  I keep walking.  BUT WHEN HAVE I EVER SEEN A PERFECTLY GOOD PENCIL JUST LAYING ON THE GROUND?!.  Kept walking.  Nope dammit I'm listening!  I turned around and went back - the pencil wasn't broken.  It was in perfect condition.  I scooped it up and whipped out my phone and turned on the geocaching app.  BOOM.

My Synchronicity Pencil!

Hello new geocache!

Poe and I finished our walk and I was giddy.  Synchronicity! I hope this happens again and I don't end up chalking this up as a coincidence!  I headed out on an errand, picked myself up some delicious sushi for lunch and napped.  Talk about a great Artists Date!  I'm so glad I took Friday off!

So Week 5 is in the books!

Let's hope for some more cool shit in the upcoming weeks!

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