Sunday, August 13, 2023

Artists Way Week 4...(Re-Do)

 Ooooooo boy did I fail this week.

So we're supposed to do "Reading Deprivation".  Now - as I mentioned the last time I did this, the book is somewhat dated and the point of reading deprivation is to basically not zone out on something ie: reading a book, but now adays - binge watching TV or even more so - scrolling on your phone.  I was all set to kick ass at this but being in a relationship and living with someone makes it more challenging.  For example - we watch shows together.  Pat isn't doing the Artists Way so he's not going to want to not watch TV for a week.  I can not scroll on my phone - which I really did make a valiant effort to do, but I certainly didn't totally deprive myself of that.  But I will say this - before I even started the Artists Way this time - I realized I scroll mindlessly on my phone way too much.  Struggling with it this week certainly put in perspective that it's an issue.  Pat and I are working on making some lifestyle changes and I plan on making this one of them.  So I may have failed this week but I'm def inspired to do something about it.

Anywhoo - on to the tasks:

There was a lot of "List 5 things..."  Hobbies, Classes that sound fun, Not fun things, skills I want, I used to enjoy, silly things.  The ones that jumped out at me were Pottery and Planting Herbs.  I also apparently still want to learn to play the Ukulele. The planting herbs surprised me.  I usually hate gardening - but the fact that I'm getting more into food and cooking I'm loving the idea of having my own herb garden.  So that's kind of an exciting thing.  I have two pots right now as kind of a test run and if they survive I'm going to get more!

Rosemary is happy.  Parsley in the back not so much...


Some other tasks involved your 80 year old self and your 8 year old self.  Those "selfs" writing letters to my current self.  Well 80 year old Jami said fuck all and is traveling the US.  8 year old Jami used to make bracelets out of flowers and catch ladybugs and doesn't care about the future - but did point out to not care about boys or what other people think so much.

I missed a few days of my morning pages because I'm completely off my routine this week.  I'm fighting a cold which has a nasty cough attached to it so I haven't been working out which means I'm all messed up on my routine.  I have got myself to the pages - maybe not 1st thing after I wake up - but I've got there.  But I did lose a few days.  So hoping to feel better this week and get back to my routine.

My Artists date this week I took myself out to sushi.  I had mentioned to Pat there was a new sushi joint up Chapman Ave we should try.  He didn't seem too thrilled, so I thought "You know what?  I'll take myself out to lunch there one day!" So I did.  I brought my Artists Way book and journal and worked a bit while I ate.  The sushi was just ok but def glad I checked it out.  I sat at the bar and the chef was super nice.  I also just love how beautiful sushi is always plated.  I don't know if people appreciate that as much. 

Look at me on my Artists Date

I mean the plating is just lovely

I always look forward to my check ins with Justin and this was an especially long one.  We get to talking and time just flies right on by.  Justin is one of the very few people in my life I can just "be" with.  I love him dearly and miss being able to see him in person, but I'm just loving our weekly calls.  We both fell off a bit this week but have also both had some really great synchronicity moments which is what the Artists Way is all about.  I'm kind of excited to see what comes about.  I'm in kind of a weird place but there's plans and movement to a better spot.  Signs seem to be smacking me in the face as well so I need to be open and receiving of these as well.

Week 4 - CHECK!

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