Saturday, August 5, 2023

Artists Way Week 3 (Re-Do)...

This week was a bit more challenging for me it seemed.  I'm finding myself not as excited as I was last time.  I'm not sure what that's all about, but I'm still enjoying myself and sticking to it!

Did my morning pages every morning!  Even when I was in Temecula. Those were actually my favorite.  I made coffee then sat outside writing my pages while watching the sun rise over the grape vines.  I mean can't get better than that right?!

Can look at this every morning?

I brought my Artists Way book and workbook with me on the trip too and finished my reading.  I also ended up doing my Artists Date while out there.  Pat (whose just getting into wine, so his tolerance is not as good as mine **giggle**) needed a nap.  I thought this is a perfect time for my "date".  So I grabbed the book and hit the pool.  That's where I actually finished my reading and just enjoyed lounging at the pool for an hour.  I was eaves dropping on the conversations between a Holland Family and a dude from Chicago which was fun to listen to!

Today my Artists enjoyed some sunshine

There were a lot of tasks this week and I found myself pondering quite a bit over answering them thoughtfully.

A few fun questions from many were asking about favorite childhood things.  Toys, games, what did you enjoy doing, etc.  I found it interesting to compare the list from this time and last time and the ones that were actually the same were these:

"If I could lighten up a little I would - "  I put OCD last time, and relinquish control this time.  Hmmmm.

"If it weren't too late I'd - " both times put go back to school.  Should I?  I battle with that often.

"If I weren't so stingy with my artists I'd buy her - " both times I said Art Room.  I currently do have a little set up in the garage - it's time to start using it!

I found the "Taking time for myself - " one eye opening because last time I said Easy and this time I said Much Harder Now.  This makes sense because I wasn't in a relationship before.  I love Pat to the moon and back, but I have found I haven't been taking really any "me" time at all.

It tells you to remember your childhood room.  I can only remember my "black" years where everything was black.  LOL.  But when I was little my Papa did build a half moon piece of wood where I hung a canopy down. I also have always been a fan of lights and soft glows.  I think it's time to add more lights into our home.   I'm sure Pat wouldn't mind.  This will def be put on the to do list.

This is right when we 1st moved into our condo - I love the lighting.  I want to do more of this throughout our home

Another task we're to remember accomplishments as children, fave foods, fave traits.  It also asks us about friends who nurture us (Maybe more notes to write?), friends we admire, people we'd like to meet who are dead.  I did find a common theme here - my traits as a kid I loved were my imagination and creativity.  I used to write and perform little skits all the time and I loved the outdoors.  What I admire in people is their ability to just get up and go and just do shit.  Zero fucks given.  Just go.  Travel.  Explore.  The last two trips I've taken it's made me realize how much I want to explore more.  To get out there more.  See more.  I think traveling is helping inspire me.  My friend just took an Art trip to Sedona with a friend she met in an online Art Class.  I thought that was amazing!

I miss performing.  I miss being creative.  I am auditioning for a show next week, we'll see how that goes.  If anything just to audition.  I also plan on talking to Pat about traveling more.  Even if just little trips.  I might do some on my own - but I am a people person for sure and would enjoy it more with a companion I think.

I'm really glad I'm doing this.  And I'm really glad I'm documenting it again.  I'll be coming back to this a lot.


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