Monday, November 7, 2016

Noches 2016...

One of my favorite events of the year.  This year was just as touching and beautiful as always.  I've started a photo group and this was also our 1st Photo Play Date so there was a great group of us that all went out and shot together!  We met at C4 Deli for drinks and dinner around 4.  Brenda was able to join us for that, but ran off to shoot the altars on her own since she had to leave early.  Terri, Julie, Renee Noel and Amber and I hit the streets at dusk and started to wander.  What a really great night with a really great group of people!!!  So full of love for them and that evening.

None of the shots below are Dr'd.  Just using my night setting on my fancy pancy camera.


There was a huge altar set up for this boy Josh

There were random people up on top of one of the buildings.  They looked kind of creepy cool

Loved this

Lots of wisdom here

I never knew all the different colors for all the cancers. #fuckcancer

Really loved the traditional altars

For my "Photograph Street Signs" series.  Thanks Renee for pointing it out!

This is all made with beans!

For Dave

Miss you Robin

Alot of altars had this book!

This got me

Then this killed me

After Altar Walking we of course had to get churros.  Smelling the cinnamon all night was such a lure!

Amazing Flamenco dancers

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