Sunday, November 27, 2016

Maryanne ties the knot...

Guess what?!

Yup - another wedding!

My lovely friend Maryanne married her love Mike.  I'm so damn happy for them I could burst!

Amber and I went together and had a lovely time.  Beautiful wedding, delicious food and an evening full of love!

Wedding Crashers
The unfortunate part of the eve was the rain.  The wedding was to be outside in the little courtyard at Five Crowns, but low and behold it actually rained in SoCal.  I was super impressed how the place handled it and I was told rain on your wedding day is actually good luck!  So - yay?

When you arrived you figured out what table you were at by doing a puzzle.  Yup - gamer friends.  I loved the theme so much and have never seen that before!  You had to find your name, there were page number assigned and you had to figure out what table you were at by looking through a few of the books with highlighted clues.  So awesome!!!

Our table was Shakespeare's burial site.  Pretty appropriate right?  I also saw an Abbey Road table and a gramma was telling us she was at the Edinburough table.  So cute!

So cute right?!
There was meat and cheeses outside (in a covered area) and fantastic server staff keeping us in drinks.  Like seriously - drink finished - there they are "Can I get you another?" So rad.  The adorable cake and sign in area were out there as well.  So pretty!

It was lightly raining but we got a pause.  The gal ran around wiping down the chairs and trying to get it all going.

Rather than a guest book we signed little wooden puzzle pieces!

Come on Rain!  Pause for just a bit!
We got our seats and sadly the rain started again.  Back under the cover we ran.  There was another pause and they decided to go forth.  Most of us stayed under the covered area since the seats were wet, and even the guests out by the seat didn't sit down due to the wet.  But that didn't stop the ceremony and it was just lovely!!  Maryanne looked GORGEOUS and the bridal party looked divine.  They had a super sweet ceremony and did this awesome thing with liquid rather than a candle.  Yes...remember I mentioned gamers?  Also Science Nerds.  They each poured a liquid into a container together and it turned pink and smoked!  So cool!!  My camera does not like the nighttime and/or I don't know how to make it work right so any picture where anyone was moving are blurry.

The blurry bride

We were later corralled inside for dinner.  There were a few really lovely speeches by the best man and made of honor, then Mike himself said a really lovely one as well.  The food was delish!!! But...I mean Five Crowns.... YUM!  I stuffed my face way too much.


Ma and Pa

Her speech was so full of love!

I didn't realize the 1st dance was happening, but I did catch it through the glass!  I was able to run out for the Father/Daughter dance though!  So sweet!

1st Dance

Our little parting gifts were adorable!

Us and the beautiful bride!

We got little puzzles to take home!

How cute is this candy
It was just a perfectly wonderful evening filled with love and joy.  You could really feel it everywhere!  I was honored to be invited and had such a nice time!  Yay love!

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