Wednesday, March 18, 2020


We are in the middle of something I have never seen before, nor my parents generation has seen.

Coronavirus or the 2020 version known as COVID-19.

It's worldwide.

I'm not sure what this blog is going to be about or why I'm writing but I felt the need to write something because I really don't know what else to do at this point.

It's fucking terrifying.

Everything is shutting down.  Like everything.  All so fast too.

Let's back up...back in November some dude in China contracted this.  Today is March 18th and it's worldwide.  At this point there's over 200K cases and over 8K deaths.  Currently China, Iran and Italy have been hit the hardest and when it started popping up in the US our dumb-fuck president was like "It's no biggie" and now it is.

Like really is.

The last couple of weeks have been insane.  When I posted this food blog it was starting to get bad, but seemed like - Well...this is going to suck...but it'll blow over.  Then about a week ago the NBA shut down it's season because a player tested positive.  Tom Hanks is over filming in Australia with his wife and he tested positive.  The other sports teams started to follow suit.  MLB cancelled Spring Training.  Over the weekend Disneyland, Universal Studios and Knotts all shut down.  All these emails started flooding our inbox stating that "Due to the COVID-19 we are shutting down, or limiting contact or super cleaning our stuff...."  It's officially a pandemic now.

So then...people over 65 or with respiratory issues are to stay at home.  Panic shopping has been going on and for some reason toilet paper is the 1st to go. WTF?  Chapman along with all colleges move the kids to online schooling rather than in classroom.  The next day or so - all K-12 kids are sent home and are to be taught online.  Chapman now moves it's staff to remotely working (Except me because I'm "essential").  Broadway went dark.  Now there can't be gatherings of over 50.  Movie theaters shut down, all events are being cancelled through May.  Now no gatherings over 10.  Bars, Wineries and Gyms are shut down.  Restaurants are only doing take out - no dine in.

You's just been over a week.

Last week we went from kind of joking at the fact that people have to be told to wash their hands and stay home when sick and why aren't these people emailing us already cleaning their shit to "WHAT THE FUCK IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING?!"

Last Friday night I got a bit worried seeing all the panic shopping and suggested to Pat we better go to the store.  I wasn't panicking but I thought we should go ahead and get our groceries for the week.  I hate crowds. They give me anxiety and I hate handling them alone.  We walked in...hmmm...not bad...then started seeing

It's only got worse.
It seems it's hard to find TP (impossible actually), Bread, Sanitizer, Eggs, Meat, Pastas and then random stores are out of random shit.  Stores (Especially places like Costco) have had to limit the number of people in the store, set up hours for the elderly and change hours to try to re-stock.  Amazon is also out of everything.  Thought you could be smart and order online?  Think again.  The stock markets have crashed multiple times and don't even think to look at your 401k.

Now here I am.  Working alone at Chapman because everyone else I work with is now working remotely.  Pat braved the grocery store early this morning in a line 30 deep to get in and got a few things.  I hit up Mother's and although they were out of my vitamins I did get some stuff.  I text Pat last night when I scored some spaghetti at the local liquor store.

There's no traffic.

Human contact is halted.  We have to now practice "Social Distancing".  You're not supposed to shake hands or hug.  At my Physical Therapy appt today we waved at each other - and btw they shut down tomorrow.  When I went to mothers they had gloves for us to put on when we shopped.  The liquor store guy wiped down the credit card machine with alcohol after I used it.  People are walking around in masks.  A guy came and wiped down my office around me today.  This fucking thing is spreading like wildfire and I haven't heard anything about it getting better.  My anxiety is through the roof as I'm sure is everyone.

I don't know what we're going to do.  I'm not worried about getting sick, but I'm worried about catching it and infecting anyone else.  I don't want to be "One of the cases in OC".  I don't want to get someone sick that this could kill.  I don't want to be in isolation for 14 days.  I'm a social person!!!  This whole Social Distancing is already killing me.  I've cancelled all my social engagements.  My lunches with my dad.  Happy Hours.  Dinners.  Play Dates.  Halted.

We're stuck at home.  Yes, we can go outside but it's been fucking raining!!  But even then...for how long?  Pat and I have his kiddo on the weekends, and now a few days a week home from school (maybe more if her mom has to work more).  How do we entertain her?  How do we entertain ourselves?  Our upcoming vacation is going to get canceled.  Mom had to cancel her big tea and now Easter.

My chest feels like it's in a constant state of being squeezed.  My heart breaks for my friends who have lost their jobs.  I have so many friends in the entertainment industry and food industry.  They are all jobless.  I'm not even sure how long mine can hold out for - I mean I'm "Essential" right now, but if money isn't being raised...then what?

I'm having trouble sleeping.  I cry off and on.  I'm just scared this is going to last too long.  It's already too long for me.  Our world is crashing around us and it seems most of us are wandering around going WTF just happened?

This week I'm going to try really hard to be positive.  To find things for us to do at home.  To learn how to use Facetime and Zoom and all that technical shit so maybe I can do virtual happy hours?  I'm super grateful I live with a good man.  If I had to live alone and go through this I really don't know how I'd fare.  Having Pat by my side as we try to navigate through this is saving me from completely falling apart.

But you guys - this fucking sucks.  I don't know how long it's going to go on for.  They're saying months.  I can't imagine our economy surviving that.  Let alone those of us who need human contact and social interaction to not fall into a severe depression.  And of course - it's a fucking virus that sucks and could kill people so there's that.

I'm scared.

I don't like this limbo.  This no one really knows what's going to happen.

I'm worried.

You're not alone my friends.  I'm here to talk, to cry, to I guess drink wine together while we talk on the phone or the computer or something?  Sigh.

I'll try to end this blog on a positive note.

Good things to come of this terrifying pandemic from Hell:

  • A lot of peeps are thrilled to work from home
  • Introverts are stoked
  • This will be a time to get creative - coming up with things to do at home
  • I do see kindness amongst the madness - a young man gave an elderly couple his package of toilet paper when they realized none was left.  Artists/Dancers/Musicians are making online videos we can watch and participate in.  Celebrities are reading stories.  Stores are trying to cater to the elderly.  Internet Companies are offering free services to kiddos who need it.  People are stepping up and offering to shop or pick up things for those who can't.
  • Pets are fucking stoked.
  • We'll get outside more and be in nature (once the weather lets up)
  • Friends are checking in on Friends
  • The last few trips to the store have felt a bit like Scavenger Hunts and Pat and I get excited and share with each other what we found
  • Once I settle down a bit I look forward to see what creative projects I'll come up with
  • People are saying teachers should be paid millions more after having to now home school their kids
  • There are organizations stepping up to help those being affected by this
  • Museums are offering virtual tours 

There's good mixed in with the horror.
Let's hope this thing gets under control.

Stay well my friends!

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