Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Artist's Week 9...

Coming up on the end of this here pretty soon!

I kind of wish I could sit here and say - I have learned this or I have had a total revelation because I swear it seems some of these people do, but it doesn't seem to be that way for me.

I will say I want to stick to an Artist's Date after this is done and it has really made me want to get creativity into my life more often.  I also think I may tackle Writers Book of Days each morning rather than morning pages so that's something.

Speaking of morning pages - I did them all but two mornings.  Pat and I got up at the same time on  Sat/Sun morning and we never get to enjoy mornings together, so I didn't want to sneak off and write but rather enjoy our morning together.  But this week we were to read our morning pages.  As expected, there wasn't much in there I don't already know.  I was really hoping to spot something.  We're supposed to highlight anything that sticks out.  The only thing I actually highlighted was my "Spinning" issue I seem to have now when I wake up.  I wake up before my alarm and my brain just starts spinning.  I hate it.  I'll need to figure out how to tackle that.  But it was basically I hate my job, I was freaked out about the move and my cat then I was trying to adjust after the move. 

There was some goal work in the tasks we were supposed to work on - I didn't really because I honestly don't feel I have a solid goal.  I do think I'll just be coming back to these sorts of tasks later on when I get a more solidified schedule here in my new life.

I thought I was going to have to skip my Artist's Date this week...hello COVID-19 ruining our lives and shutting our world down - and I thought "oh maybe I'll bake something!"  Yeah, no.  So my Artists Date was just a walk by myself on Sunday morning.  Well..not totally alone:

So unfortunately nothing really to report on this week.  I'm about to throw in the towel because this Coronavirus/COVID-19 is fucking terrifying but I haven't yet.

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