Sunday, March 8, 2020

Artists Way Week 8...

This week there was an "early pattering exercise".  A bunch of questions were asked and you were to answer with whatever triggered you.  I wouldn't say anything really stood out as surprising to me.  I was lucky as a kid that my mom was very creative and imaginative and always encouraged the same in Shane and I. 

We were also told to pick 5 affirmations which I did but then proceed to totally forget repeat them to myself daily.  But maybe this week I'll try.  Maybe even writing them here will help me remember:

  • I am a talented person
  • I am a good person and a good artist
  • I now accept creative recovery
  • My creativity blesses others
  • I now share my creativity more openly
We were to write in details about dreams we'd love to achieve.  I wrote about being an amazing photographer and blogger/writer.  I'm finding I drift more towards these dreams lately and away from acting.  It makes me sad, but I'm having such issues with my memory and anxiety, it seems that creative outlet is less and less.  But not gone.  Not gone at all. 

I did my morning pages every day this week.  I seem to be getting weirdly good at sticking to this.

Regarding the Artists Date, this was one of those weeks/weekends it didn't look like I was going to be able to fit it in.  I seem to sort of space during the week and not think to do a date on a weeknight (I need to change that) and my weekend was choc full of other stuff.  I've really been wanting to take a class, but I'm having a hard time finding any at times I can go.  Maybe next week.

But I didn't throw in the towel!  I actually realized - um you have a lunch break at work.  So I decided to treat myself to a poki bowl and go eat at a park.  I landed at Santiago Trails Park and found a little quiet table to lunch at.  I then practiced "Mindful Eating".  I read up on a bunch of mindfulness practices a while back and this is one of them.  You just eat.  No phone.  No reading.  Just pay attention to the taste and flavors and enjoy your meal.  I also purposefully didn't grab a fork.  I usually eat with chopsticks until it gets to hard, then shovel the rest in with a fork.  This forced me to slow down while eating.  I was only really able to pick up one soy bean at a time and I found myself concentrating on balancing the rice and smaller bits on the chopsticks.  I also would just stop and listen to the birds and little lizards running around in the bushes.  I then took a little stroll around the area.  I was in work wedgies so couldn't do to much but it was a perfect little quiet peaceful lunch!

My lunch spot

A bee hive!!!

One of the bees getting a snack

Always love sunbursts

There were some other taks  - pick a color scheme and write about it, list 5 things your not aloud to do and draw it out, write out some ideal days, etc.  I didn't get to these too much.  But am starting to think I may re-visit this book when I'm feeling like I need something to push me to do something and pull out some of these tasks as things to do.  Some of them are interesting but I think I just find myself not really in a place to do these. 

So week 8 is done and on to week 9.  I'm hoping to find some "ah ha!" moments in these last few weeks.  I'd say I've learned a bit, and it's got me back craving to do more creative things, but I still would like a good kick in the ass some how. 

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