Sunday, March 22, 2020

Artists Way Week 10 - 12

Well, this is not the blog post I really wanted to write but I'm not going to be able to finish the Artists Way.

This is due to the ridiculously scary times we find ourselves in due to the Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic.

Basically we're on lockdown - so there goes my Artists Dates.  Yes I know, I could get creative and do home style Artists Dates but honestly when your trapped in your house, and I don't live alone, you can't really keep coming up with different Artists Dates.  I can basically go on a solo walk or hike which I already am doing all the time because I need to get out.

My morning pages have turned into just writing about my fear and anxiety to all related Coronavirus.  It's fucking awful.  But also not helpful because my blood pressures rises with each word I write.

So - I basically went ahead and read through the last 3 chapters and took note of the tasks.

Once our lives all get back to some sense of normalcy I think it will be more feasible to do something like this.

But - I do have some take aways.

I need more creativity in my life.  I had really wanted to take a class or classes as my Artists Dates so many times then the world shut down.  It'll open up again and I'm on it!  Whether I do them alone or not, I'm going to do them.  I want to take some cooking classes.  I want to take a make your whatever thing a ma bob class at Michael's or Joanns or Dragonfly or wherever so I will.  They cost money but I think that would be more fun than blowing it on some stuff I do now.

I also have decided I want to write every morning.  The Morning Pages weren't really right for me, but I have a book called Writers Book of Days and it's a book that has 365 Writing Prompts.  I'd like to work that into my morning routine.  I'll get started on that once I'm not waking up in panic attacks as I am now.

My new living situation gives me more opportunity to get out.  I let myself get lazy when I lived alone and I have an active boyfriend who thrives on not binging in front of the TV so he'll help me get out more.  I also live right near beautiful trails and walking areas so I have no excuse.

I want to blog more.  Although I won't be getting out to too many adventures for a while, I can write about other stuff and I hope to do that.  There may be a "What we've been doing trapped at home and trying not to go stir crazy" one coming up I'm sure.

So as disappointed as I am to stop this process before it's completely finished I know it's not because I quit but rather the world decided to turn upside down right during about Week 8 or 9 of my process.

It was inspiring to see how much my friend jumped on board and I'd actually like to maybe try this again with a group of people. 

So there you have it.  I didn't come away empty handed and I enjoyed the process much more than I have in the past.

Thank you for following along on my journey!

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