Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Deadheads Forever...

Last night Libby, Stacey and I all went and saw Dead & Company.  This is a band made up of the remaining Grateful Dead members along with another one of my faves - John Mayer.

Thanks to my rad friend April who hooked us up - we sat in Orchestra and had our little VIP Bar perk.  RAD.

There's a reason this was so incredibly special:  Libby, Stacey and I have been friends forever.  Libby as you know - the bestie - and I have known each other since childhood.  Stacey is a friend from High School.  Back in the day, when we were just wee HS kiddies, the 3 of us went to quite a few shows together, smoked ALOT of pot, were always colorfully tye-dyed in our clothing, reeked of incense and were the typical "fuck the system" hippie girls.  We also LOVED THE DEAD.

Libby and I had actually planned to follow the Dead for a while, borrowing my grandparents RV and selling tye-dye shirts, hemp jewelry, pot and whatever else we could think of.  This was the summer that Jerry passed away thus trumping our idea to live the ultimate hippie deadhead life for a bit.

These two girls are very special to me.  Libby of course is my soulmate.  Stacey and I were great friends years ago and lost touch for a big portion of our lives.  Nothing bad by any means, but she moved out of state (this was pre-MySpace/Facebook) and we lost touch a bit.  Then the Facebook was born and we re-connected.  Still in different states but now back in touch which was rad.  Then she moved back to SoCal recently and after a 5 hour long dinner date it was like that chunk of time never existed.  We were right back to where we were.  That's real friendship for ya - time can pass but the relationship doesn't change.  If anything it just gets better because we're more grateful and time is more precious as we HS Hippie Girls roll into our 40's.

Last night was fucking awesome.  Not only was the band amazing, but spending it with those two girls shot me back to the 80's/90's when I was finding out who I was.  There were moments I sat down with my eyes closed listening to the boys jam and jam and just remembering how we used to sit and hang for hours upon hours listening to music.  I jokingly leaned over to Libby and said "I miss drugs!".    It's not the drugs I miss though, it's that young and free and no responsibility time we used to have lounging in garages and houses, burning incense, listening to music and yes - probably stoned out of our minds.  But it was glorious.

Now being the grown responsible adult I am - I still love it - just sober.  Well - maybe a little wine.  But the music lifts your heart and takes you to places you love to visit.  The Grateful Dead has a tendency to make you feel stoned just by closing your eyes and swaying to the beat.  Or watching the trippy fun visions they have playing up on the screens.  These got real weird the 2nd half.  It was awesome!

Both sets were pretty much jam sessions as they always do, but the 2nd half brought a friggin RAD drum session with 4/5 of them all playing.  It was fucking awesome and I found myself yearning to start playing drums again.  This was followed by some bizzare trippy music and I was laughing thinking of all the cats in the house that were getting their minds blown.  John Mayer shredded on that damn guitar as he always does.  The GD Boys were awesome and don't seem to have changed a bit except much older.  I also must say it was some of the best people watching as well!  It was a crowd full of hippies and wacky dancers.  It's like I was shot back to the early 90's when I would be tripped out dancing along with all these crazy friends.

This month has been rough, and this week isn't going to get easier.  But being able to share a beautiful evening under the stars, listening to the jams of the Dead, with 2 of my favorite people was just what the Dr. ordered.  I will always be a Deadhead!


Libby trying out her selfie skills
Hi John Mayer!


We were so close!'s Bob!

This man can make a guitar fucking sing!

Deadheads Forever!

A huge thank you to April for the seats!  What a great night!

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