Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Universe gave me bananas...

I’m totally serious.
This is not a metaphor.

So here’s the story.  I know it’s random but I of course want to share.

Last weekend I actually had time to go to the Farmers Market where I got my fruit and veggies for the week.  As I’m sure you’re aware, most Farmer’s Markets don’t see bananas.  Later on that afternoon I went to the grocery store to get some other stuff and as I wandered by the produce/veggie section thought to myself “I got my goods at the market so I don’t need to go here”.  Not until Monday morning when I went to make my morning smoothie that I make every morning for breakfast did I realize I forgot to get bananas. 

I hate when I forget bananas.  You see bananas are the base of the smoothie!  Sigh.  I also hate when I forget something to purchase.  I am one of those people that HATES errands.  I like to go, get my stuff and be done.  If I have to go back out later because I forgot something I either don’t or I procrastinate or I whine endlessly to myself.  It’s a weird quirk I can’t explain it.  So as you can imagine this sucked.  So until Wednesday I just made my smoothies with no bananas (which are just not the same) and kept thinking I would swing by the store and grab some.  Come Wednesday afternoon, I found myself with nothing to do for my lunch that I quickly inhaled and decided to walk the Orange Circle.  I was excited at the thought of picking up a few cards for people and maybe getting bananas! 

The place I thought of – Watsons Drugstore was closed due to plumbing issues.  Damn.  I wanted to whole friggin Circle and there is nowhere to buy bananas.  There’s a little organic/vegan store called Bite Market that I thought would be a winner.  No.  Back to the office I went.  Dejected.

We have a corner of a counter in our workroom where people put stuff they don’t want.  It’s kind of like a free corner.  It’s not often there is stuff there except usually around the holidays when people are unloading candy and what not, or some people with food gardens bring in extra stuff, when an office gets cleaned out, etc. 

I was getting ready to leave for the day and swung by the mailroom to drop off a few letters and low and behold – BANANAS!  Three of them!  On the free corner!!!!  There has never been bananas there in the almost 4 years I’ve been working here.  I picked them up and turned around with a huge smile on my face that of course no one was around to see.  I squealed with delight and took the three free bananas.  I couldn’t believe it.  Bam – the universe gave me bananas.

I know this blog is silly.  But folks - it was so rad.  I didn't pray for bananas.  I didn't use the Laws of Attraction or whatever the hell that book thing is.  It just happened.  And that's all.  And that's rad.

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