Friday, March 28, 2014

Are you flirting with me...?

It's official.
I'm so bad at flirting I can't tell if a man is flirting with me, just being polite or just doing his job.  I can't tell!!! idea.

So today I went to Home Depot to buy an array of crap.  I never ever go, I had a surprise day off so I figured I'll go get all the stuff I keep saying I need to get.  Pots for my next craft night, a shelf, stain, etc.  Random.  I don't go to Home Depot alone very often and I look like a lost puppy wandering around staring up a the signs saying what is down which aisle.

So, I also have to get glue.  I'm staring at the entire wall of glue when a nice looking Home Depot dude strolls by.  I smile and say "Excuse me, can I ask you a question?"
He smiles and strolls slowly over.  "Of course"
"Do you know which of these glue would be best to glue these Terra Cotta pots?"
He wanders over to the wall "Let's see" and starts looking at the different kinds.  "Why are you gluing Terra Cotta pots?"
"My mom is making a bird feeder with them" I proceed to show him.  I don't know why I didn't say I was.  I'm making these stupid bird feeders.  He smiled and seemed to think it was an interesting idea.  Or was that sarcasm?
Then he asks me if it's hot outside.  I say yes and wipe my forehead.  "It just got hot, it wasn't earlier."
Then we start talking about we both wish we were dressed for summer.  ???
"I think your good with the Gorilla Glue" which I was holding.
"Ok thanks!"
"Can I help you with anything else?" he smiles again.
"Actually yes, where can I find stain?"
He tells me to follow him and I do.  We go a few aisles over and he waves his arm where the stain wall is.
I think he's going to leave after I say thank you.  He doesn't.
"What are you going to stain?"
I start the usual Jami ramble telling him I have an old beat up hope chest I'd like to stain.  Maybe a dark stain.  On and on I go about this damn chest.
He smiles.
"How big is it?"
I try to show him with my hands.
So then I'm looking at the stains and he's not leaving.  I start to feel really awkward because we're both just looking at the stains.  Then someone else asks his help and he's off.
Fine right?

Not quite.
So I'm off wandering aimlessly through the store again.  (Do you guys know how damn big Home Depot is!?)   I call Shane and ask him what kind of hangy things to get for the soon to be bird feeders and he tells me Oooks.  I think he sneezed.  "No Oooks is a brand!  Just ask a person who works there, they'll know."  I hang up and start to wander.
I find a few things and after about 20 minutes I'm slowly walking and staring up at the signs.  I hear a voice but don't think it's directed at me.
"What are you looking for?!" I hear a bit louder.
I look down and straight and there he is.
"Oh hi!" I smile.  I tell him I'm looking for Oooks Hangers.  He looks at me like I'm insane.  I smile again.  "My brother told me I need to get Oooks Hangers".  He's still looking at me weird.
"I'm not sure what that is" he says.
"It's ok I ramble "Actually I have another question - do you guys just sell wood or can I find an actual shelf?  Like do I need to build a shelf?"
He smiles again.  "Follow me"
We walk to the other end of the store it seems and he starts small talk.
"So are you off work today?"
"I am!"
"Are you always off on Fridays?"
"Oh no, we just got today off because Chapman is on Spring Break"
"What do you do at Chapman?"
"I process all the donations, I'm the gift recorder"
He then starts to tell me about how he used to play on the campus before it was a University.  I tell him I grew up here and he asks what schools I went to growing up.  He tells me he moved to Hawaii for a while and then to North Carolina then back here.  We arrive at the shelves.
"Perfect!" I say, again thinking he'll leave.
Nope, he stands there and watches me scan the shelf selection.
I tell him he should have stayed in Hawaii because it's so nice, he tells me it's expensive and you can't get a job and we chat a bit more.
I grab a shelf because I start to feel awkward and he asks if there's anything else.
"Well, I want to get a curtain rod or round piece of wood."
"What for?"
"My medals." I stated plainly.
He smiles and says "Medals? Wow! for what?"
"Obstacle course races" I answer.  I now realize I just totally made for interesting convo. Score a point for me!
So he starts to lead me to my next purchase.
As we're walking he turns and extends his hand "I'm Ray by the way"
"Jami" I smile taking his hand.
As I follow him I'm not he flirting?  He could be my age if he was playing at Chapman when it was just a college.  No he's not flirting, he's doing his job.  But he has such a nice smile!  That's why he got hired.  He could totally have a girlfriend.  I can't see his ring finger (Which I never did BTW!).  Why am I even thinking he's flirting.  But I haven't talked to a cute boy I don't know for this long in a long long time!
Yes ladies and head started spinning.
We get to the poles (Seriously.....wood?? poles???) and I pick one out.
We look at the shelf package together and I tell him what I think I'm going to do.  He says that should work.
"Well that's it!" I say realizing I actually have gathered all that I need at this point.  Shane can come back for this Ooook business.
"Ok he says, have a good rest of your day off!" and smiles.  I really like his smile.
"Ok bye! Have a nice day!"

And that was it.

As I'm walking up to the cashier I couldn't help but wonder...was he flirting or just doing his job?  Holy shit I can't tell.  I really can't tell.  I didn't want to look to see if he was married because last time I did that the guy saw me.  Awkward.  Should I have asked for his number?  But he didn't ask for mine so he probably wasn't flirting.  Do people ask for numbers still?  Why am I asking all these questions in my head!?

Lord am I out of practice!  I mean really out of practice!  This girl is clueless.  Ah well.  I found it amusing and thought I would share.  I really wish I was good at this flirting thing.  I'm sure I could have turned it on or something, or been witty, or played with my hair, or batted my eyelashes or whatever the hell you're supposed to do but we all know I'll never do that.  Ha! 

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