Saturday, March 8, 2014

Wild Weekend...

I used to be quite the go go go girl.  Running from one event to the next.  Packing my schedule chalk full.  If you asked me now if I regret any of it I would tell you no.  I really don't!  After the head thing I remember my dad asking me if I think I did too much, maybe I pushed myself too hard.  I told him nope.  If I hadn't have made it through I would have no regrets.  Look at all the stuff I had packed into my 36 years!

But I am getting a bit older, and valuing time to myself much more.  I've worked meditation into myself as a regular practice now and yes I have slowed down a bit.  Just a bit.  :)

This leads into this blog.  I don't normally have weekends like I had last weekend but it just seemed everything happen to land in one weekend.  My birthday weekend in fact!  I had a show Fri night, Julie's kids party Sat, Jess's baby shower Sat afternoon, my friend Jeff's birthday party Sat night, I squeezed a lunch in to celebrate my own birthday on Sun and then a wedding Sunday evening.  I was worn out just thinking of it!  But excited all the same.

So let's start with Friday.  Terri had scored tickets for DJ Z-Trip for only $10!  I of course jumped on the chance months ago before my weekend filled up.  Doors opened at 7, show started at 8.  Terri had noticed other DJ's were playing and I was worried Z-Trip wouldn't go on until late.  People Under the Stairs was also performing and I wanted to catch them as well.  But I have noticed as of late, that certain shows - especially at The Observatory where we were going - usually didn't have the headliners go on until late.  I swear this is a new thing but my friend Susan teased me and said "No honey, they always have - we're just old now".  Touche.  We met there at 7 and saw the line up.  DJ Z-Trip didn't go on until 12:15pm!!!!!!!!!!!!! 12:15!  Who the hell goes on that late!!!  I was heartbroken.  People Under the Stairs didn't go on until 11:15.  I wanted to cry.  I told Terri there was no way I was going to make it.  Plus it's standing room only.  They didn't have any tables available unless you got bottle service.  Our friend Erika was coming down from LA so I promised to at least rally until she got there.  We decided to grab some drinks so we headed over to SOCO and had some drinks at Taco Maria.  Lovely evening.  So nice out, we were on the patio drinking wine and T had a beer with an owl on it :).  chatted.  It was nice.  Hell I was ready to call it a night after that.  We headed back to Observatory about 9:30.  We found some spots to stand down by the stage and I knew I wasn't going to last long.  I mentioned I could probably rally if I was sitting down.  Terri disappeared to see if there was any possibility of getting a table.  She comes back, motions for me to follow and led us to a booth.  In the VIP area.  I looked at her confused and when the waitress set down the bucket of ice my jaw dropped.  "You didn't!!??"  She did.  Terri sprung for bottle service.  Now let me explain this to those of you who don't understand bottle service.  You pay $2-300 for a fucking bottle of alcohol.  But what you really pay for is a place to sit, in the VIP area where only so many folks are allowed so it never gets crowded and your own personal waitress who makes sure you are taken care of.  And did ours.  She was awesome.  I do think the price is total and complete bullshit but I wanted to kiss Terri for doing what she sometimes does and splurge a surprise like that.  I of course rallied.  Our friend Jill showed up as well.  We bribed the people standing above us with our overpriced bottle of vodka to not spill shit on us and the night began.  The 3 girls made vodka drinks all night and I just bought myself one more glass of wine. I can't mix and no I can't drink too much more due to the fact that I now half to rally until the wee hours! 
I propped myself up on the back of the booth and rocked out the whole night.  Terri never stopped dancing.  Jill couldn't stay the whole time but enjoyed what she did and Erika's mind was blown by the amazingness that is Z-trip.  This was the 3rd time I had seen him and he did not disappoint.  He was AMAZING!!!!!!  Seriously I have not rocked out that hard like I was 20 years old in a long time!  My voice was horse, my core was sore and I was grinning from ear to ear.  I didn't get home until 2:30am!  Good lord.  But it was worth every second of lost sleep.  So fucking worth it and I love Terri for making that possible!  Another epic musical night with the Pisces Trifecta!

Saturday morning.  No I didn't make it to boxing bootcamp obviously, but I was up and ready to rally through the day.  Presents wrapped, layers on, hair did, and we're off.  The rest of this blog will have a shit ton more pictures so enjoy!!!

The Presley/Chase birthday party.  Julie's kiddies are turning 2 and 4 and their birthdays are not too far apart so Julie threw a dual party.  It was beach themed and adorable.  She had it at Edison Park with a bounce house and they supposed dogs and burgers and chips they BBQ'd.  The party favors for the kiddies were sand buckets filled with all kinds of toys.  I was actually a little jealous the adults didn't get one! ha ha! 

 She made adorable cupcakes that had teddy grahams either sunbathing or floating on gummy inner tubes!

Bouncehouse and BBQ!

And of course chalk art for the kids.

 Blow out the candle on the cupcakes!  Such a cute party!  Julie does know how to pull a theme together!!  I do love this about her!


From the kiddie party I headed straight for Jessica's baby shower.  It was at her sisters house in Seal Beach.  After dealing with beach parking and I made my way down the street.  When I entered the backyard I was handed Mardi Gras beads that looked like pearls.  I was told this was part of the "if you cross your legs someone can steal your beads game".  I smiled and promptly gave my beads to my friend Brenda so I could be comfortable.  Jessica is having a boy but Jessica still loves her girly stuff so they threw a Breakfast at Tiffany themed shower.  Tiffany blue for the boy.  Cute. 

 They did the diaper change game, since I have never changed a diaper on a real kid let alone a stuffed toy I opted out.  But got a great shot of Scottie:

Jess had a lovely time and got lots of adorable goodies!  I try not to oooh and aaahh at these things but this tiny cowboy boots were pretty freakin precious!

I was proud of my gift.  She registered for this monkey towel ( I kind of want one in my size) so I got her that, then a monkey stuffed animal in a monkey bag with a monkey card. 

Little Kurt is going to look fantastic.  Shower check.  Ran home for a 20 minute power nap, changed then off to Bistro 400 for my friend Jeff's birthday bash.  I didn't take any pictures and I didn't stay late because by 8 I was pretty much done.  It was a lovely time, I got to visit a bit with Jeffy and some of the other boys then I went home and was out by 9:30pm.

Sunday!  My birthday!
So, I threw out a quick email to my family and a few close friends inviting them to Shiki for lunch to celebrate my birthday.  I'm one of those rare people who actually likes to celebrate myself.  Yes - birthdays mean presents and food and friends.  I mean what's not to like!  Plus Shiki is easy because it's big and the manager is nice and people can have sushi or not and it's well...mainly just easy! ha ha!  It was perfect.  We all met at noon.  T, Dad, Amber, Mom, Liz, Susan, Libby, Hailey (Her 1st big girl lunch), Robin, Cori, Shane, D and Maryanne.  Perfection.  The manager gave me a pair of beautiful chopsticks from Japan and they brought me a big piece of cake.  We all ate and drank and enjoyed ourselves and I got presies!

From here - home to change and get ready for Lauren's wedding!!  It was taking place at Summit House and I'm not gonna lie  - I was excited about the prime rib I had ordered as much as I was celebrating Lauren!  Jill was my date, she met at my place and off we went.  The wedding was outside and all the bridesmaids wore converse as did the bride.  Adorable.

He kept stroking her hands which I thought was so sweet!!

He's got two daughters and she had the sweetest speech for them during the ceremony.

After the ceremony we had cocktails and passed appetizers for a bit and were to sign Jenga pieces as a guestbook.  Awesome.

The reception was fun.  Food was BOMB.  My prime rib was perfection.  There were quite a few speeches, they did the mom/son and dad/daughter dance, 1st dance, bouqet and garter toss and that was pretty much it!  We had a fun table and I danced one 80's song with Angela!

Our cute take home favors.

 This was the best man.  I thought he was adorable but couldn't muster up the courage to try to flirt with him.  I seem to have lost what little skill I had when it comes to talking to cute boys.  Sigh.

I could not be happier for her!

 I took Monday off work to

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