Sunday, January 3, 2010

My hopes...

Its now 2010.
A new year. A new beginning. Time for change.
We all say that at each new year I know, I've been saying every year since I was old enough to understand the concept. I'll be turning 34 this year and I'm tired of things not happening. As you saw in my last blog, last year was full of extreme ups and extreme downs. I'd like to look at that as the year I fought. The year I battled my emotions. Yes, I've done that for years but it seems this time around instead of falling into that deep dark depression I can sometimes find myself drowning in, I found that I was more frustrated. More angry. More of a fighter. I think this is a good thing. I believe that is prepping me for what is going to happen in this year. No more. Shit needs to happen and this is the year it better. I'm prepared for a fight. I'm prepared for challenges. I think things have taken their toll on me for sure but I feel better that my attitude seems to be more of a fighter spirit this time around instead of giving up and drowning my sorrows.
I don't make resolutions, but I do have hopes for this year.
I want to go back to school. I'm not quite sure for what yet, I'm actually thinking of something in the medical field. X-ray technician or something like that. I basically want a secure job that will have a retirement and pay me decently enough to get out of this monster debt and out of my mom's house.
I want my body back. She's taken a beating this past year, a combination of laziness, age and battles. I will always eat what I want, but I plan to be much more physically active this year, quit smoking and get all those damn doctor visits I've been putting off taken care of.
I want to move out. This will hopefully happen before I necessarily go back to school and change careers. I do hope I can at least get back on my feet and out the door with some budget help and finding ways to make some extra dough.
There are other things I want - like finding love or at least some more fun times, or writing a book, or getting some of my photography seen but they will come. These things will fall into place.
I have to make this happen this year. I will.

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