Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Today's attempt...

I'm working on it.
I'm working on my life.
So tonight I was a good girl and marched on the treadmill for almost an hour since its a fucking rainstorm raging outside (I am in CA right?) of course followed by a cig and a glass or two of wine...hey I said I'm trying. I decided to have a bath. I dont know what it is about crappy cold weather outside that makes me want a bath. So I slap on a mask, fill the tub with Lavender salts and try to quiet my busy busy mind. I later find myself on the floor staring at the ceiling wondering what to do with life. I did decide I want to write more. You cant force creativity, and I havent had the urge to blog too much lately. I have been journaling some, but not as much. Its kind of funny when some of my better writing comes when I'm really down (Shit I should have written last Friday Night). Anywhoo, a little nudge at the creativity never hurts. So I bought The Writers Book of Days a while back. I did it for a few months, but tinkered I thought I'd write some here. Not every day, but days like tonight when I'm craving a bit of writing. I'll pick up the book, go to today's assignment and share it with whoever actually still read this blog. So here we go:

"Look out your window, write what you see"

When I peer out my childhood window the dark engulfs the world. One of my furry companions hops up and stares out with me. Everything is wet and battered, plants drooping, puddles fading, the glass is cold against my nose. I start to remember growing up in this room - staring out this very same window wanting so bad to move on in the world. I've climbed out of this window. I remember Jason used to sneak over the fence and softly rap on my window some nights. He was my very first "french" kiss. I remember the blackberry bush mom planted out there - I'm sure to keep me from future sneak outs. When I recently moved back home there was a rose bush and a single beautiful red rose bloomed right outside. I'd lay in bed and stare at its beauty hoping to get my life back on track again. Here I am, looking outside wanting to get out again. So many years later. Life's outlook is different now though. All grown up...sort of. Now I appreciate more the work my mom has put into her garden. So many plants and life. They survived the storms, and will survive the next few rolling in. I cant wait for Spring.

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