Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I'm 33.
I'm certainly not where I thought I would be at 33. Altho did I ever really know where I would be? Eh. Whatev.
It was a pretty mellow birthday for me this year, considering I'm known for throwing such insane bashes. I just didnt feel like celebrating really - not a bad thing - just more of a "whatev".
But what did happen was very nice. Sunday I had brunch at Taps with Dad, Lori, Shane and D. We drank lots of mimosas, laughed, stuffed ourselves and I got a parking ticket. Ya. City of Brea can bite me. Back to dad's to chill for a while. My actual bday was a running the grandparents around day - but we did go to lunch at Claim Jumper - stuffed my face again - they brought me a huge mud pie for my bday to which I think I got 2 bites of before the grandparents tore into it. One of the benefits of living at home is my bday morning. I woke up to find wrapped gifts all over. One on the dining room table from mom, one by the coffee maker from Tweaks, one on the computer from Tabitha, one on the couch from Smokie and one on the bathroom sink from Gallagher. My mom is a crack up and I know where I get my fun silly ideas like this!
I decided to do a last min - "Lets go drink" nite for my bday. Kickball was off and on all day long due to the rain - finally a decision of no. SO - that meant drinking in the city of Orange since that is now where I'm re-located back with moms. Shane, D and I rolled in to The District Lounge in the downtown Orange Circle. I hadnt been there in years and forgot how much I dug the place. Its a good size bar, booths, has a stage and dance floor but for Monday nights had pool tables and a shuffleboard set up instead. When the bartender looked at my ID he looked again and said "Is this today?!" "Yup!" I replied happily. He brought my wine I ordered along with a shot on the house. The 3 of us grabbed a middle table and started to chat. I grabbed the menu and to my utter delightfullness saw that there were tater tots on the menu! The bartender came over and I screeched "I want tator tots!" "Are you 8?" he laughs and left to get my order. The crew started to trickle in, Dad followed by Nat and Julie from my kickball team. Then rolls in T-mow, and some other kickballers - Zack, Ben and Chay. Nat brought a huge tin of adorable little cupcakes and the drinking began. We laughed, talked, drank. Eventually Fatima, Keith, La Becky and her boy arrived and the crew got bigger and louder. As I was outside Lil Marc showed up as well - a great friend of mine I havent seen in years. We all played pool, shuffleboard, picked faboo songs on the jukebox and had a great time. Some random fellow and his gf each bought me shots when they heard it was my bday and a few shots for some of the pretty girls as well! It was a perfect chill nite to bring in my 33rd year. I drove home happy and tipsy and thrilled at having so many new friends and old. Happy Birthday to me!

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