Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I play kickball.
My lovely lovely girlfriend signed me up as an Xmas present. The bro and the sis-in-law are also on the team. Its a real thing. SurfCity Division. 18 Teams. Sponsored by Sharkeez in Huntington Beach. Our team is the Drunken Degenerate Kickballers.
Like when you were 8.
When I 1st heard about it, I thought my sis-in-law was joking. Nope. Our team captain is Mr. Positive. I adore him. I remember going to D's game last season and he and I were chatting afterwards. "Its all in good fun." he said. "I mean, what the hell else are we going to do in our 30's except drink beer, play kickball, and hang out!". I liked the sound of that.
So this is how it goes:
We play on Monday nights in Huntington Beach. There are 7:00 games and 8:00 games. (Seems we've been the 8:00 forever). You play 5 innings. Team Captain brings a cooler of beer to the game, everyone drinks. He even got us stainless steel mugs. People drink and smoke and play kickball. There are the teams that take it very seriously. Its funny. I will admit - me and the bro get very competitive and losing or fucking up - sucks. But we still have fun. The bro is amazing. I'm not so great. In fact our team isnt really that great, but it doesnt matter. We have fun. We havent won a game yet....in fact 2 of the games we had our asses handed to us. But its fun. Team Captain is always up and positive. Our team is a fantastic group of people. Very laid back, fun, cool. Some are very athletic and into many sports, others like myself smoke while on the field sometimes. After the game we head to Sharkeez. I mean everyone. All 18 teams. They have a deal (Since they're our sponsors) - each team gets a platter of free appetizers, 2 for 1 beer pitchers and discounted drinks. Then we play flip cup. I hate beer. I really do. I'm trying so hard to drink it and get accustomed to it -especially for flip cup which I have found I'm outstanding at. All the McCoy's are. We rock. Flip Cup is a beer drinking game...they have a championship - hell they have a fucking trophy. Its hysterical. So - our kickball team may be 2nd to last at the moment - but we are in 1st place for the flip cup. Thats where our priorities are at. Its too damn funny.
So - thats my Monday nights. Working again is hard, because I cant party as hard as I'd like to now that I have to actually get up and work the next day -but I try to get a little in. One night a week I get to be somewhat active, dress all sporty (they also have themed nights sometimes....last nite was GREEN for St. Paddy's), hang with some cool peeps and feel sort of like a kid again. Who would have thought I would have ever been brilliant at a beer drinking game....!!!

1 comment:

Rose said...

YAY!!! You're pictures are so freaking cute Jami!!! It looks like you are having so much fun!! =) love you!