Monday, September 15, 2008

Girls Night.....Boys Night....

Friday night was girls night. I had made plans with one of my girlfriends, then had another girlfriend contact me asking to hang the same night. I've had 3 other girlfriends in the past couple of weeks say "We need a girls night!". Since all of these people know each other, I 1st asked the gal I made plans with if it we should turn our night into a girls night instead of just the 2 of us. We did. It turned out to be exactly what the Dr. ordered I think.
I dont know how to explain it, but I really do think it's so healthy for girls to get together and be just that - girls. I'm also so stoked that I have a great connection to all these women and kind of brought them all together. 3 of us met a bit earlier and had dinner, cooked by the fabulous Miss Rose who is starting her own chef company as she very well should because that woman can fucking cook! I rarely eat home cooked meals, and when I do its so special because not only is it amazing because of who makes it, but its such a unique thing for me! I eithier eat out, or microwave stuff. Thats it. Honestly. I just dont cook, nor will I ever.
Anywhoo - 7 of us ladies got together at one's house. We had more then enuff bottles of wine - red & white. We had chocolate covered strawberries, cupcakes, cheese/crackers, nuts, sushi, rice krispie treats, and a crap load more snacks. We laughed. We talked about sex, about politics, about relationships, about art. We drank heavily. We'd all chat together, we'd break into pairs or trios. We took pictures. Did I mention how much we laughed? GOUSNUCHOS! It was an estrogen explosion. There wasnt one moment of cattiness, one moment of drama, one moment of anything negative. All we did was gather together and enjoy being girls. We've all sworn to do this more often, but with all of our lives, schedules etc I have no idea how much we can make it happen - but let me say this. It was a perfect evening. I have always absolutley loved my girlfriends but then there are the times where you seriously just need a night with a gaggle of them! This was my Friday night.
Saturday night/Sunday was spent with the boy. I had to work at an opera under the stars concert Sat nite, but was able to skate out early and drove my ass up from Laguna Beach to Los Angeles. The main point of this eve was not nessasarily to see the particular band at House of Blues, but to meet a couple of his friends - one of them from out town only here Sat nite. (He's with the band). We booked a hotel for the nite to alliviate having to drive home late from LA, drinking, etc. So, I get off at Santa Monica Blvd. and follow my mapquest directions. What mapquest failed to mention is that Santa Monica Blvd. splits into 2. Well - of course I take the wrong fucking split. I dont know about you BUT I HATE TO BE LOST. I find the street I'm supposed to "Turn Right" on. This is a lie. I drive down it until it dead ends into a scary alley way. I'm on the phone with the boy whose standing at the hotel trying to guide me and give me landmarks, etc. After an excrutiatingly long 25 unnessasary minutes I find the damn place. Of course I'm super late now, the friend is on the way to pick us up, we run upstairs grab our crap and hop in his car and head to H.O.B. I meet 3 of the buddies. They are very cool. We get to the venue, park in back, get our VIP after show bright blue stickers and our tickets. We watch the show. The buddies continue to buy me rum & cokes all night. I have not eaten. I dont get drunk, but I do get that nice - drinking on an empty stomach tipsy regretting not eating feeling. We chat, we laugh, despite all the warnings of how much Sister Hazel will blow, I enjoyed them. They put on a wonderful live show. Concert ends, we head upstairs to the foo-foo fancy room to hang with the band and thier peeps. I find a nice fluffy sofa and chat with the friends. I think I made a good impression. The boy has returned and giving me the signal to leave. He's got other late nite plans....So we head out, deciding we'll walk back. We thought it was so much closer......
So both of us now have enuff alcohol in us to not be wasted but be that fun fucked up. I'm also now STARVING. As we're trekkin down Sunset Blvd, I see "Mel's Diner". We must stop. Its about 1:30am. I order a steak sandwich from our super happy waiter named John, and proceed to eat the whole thing. The boy is in awe, I dont know why, he knows how I eat. :) We start back on our walk back. Its now about 2:15 I think. Now, I must point out - I'm wearing my cute little silver wedgey heels. Yes, they are comfy as hell, but not when walking, tipsy in the wee hours trying to find our hotel. The best part is both of us are in the mindset of...well....that we completly lost our minds and are stumbling and laughing our way down Sunset. We see Doheny Street - this is where the hotel is! Yay!!!! We then stumble down that street for what seemed like days. My feet are screaming. We stop for breaks. I make many attempts to just waltz into people's houses to ask if they mind we just crash on thier floor. We laugh, we joke but we're fucking gone at this point. I love it. We FINALLY get to our hotel sometime after 3am. We collaspe, we dont get to sleep until almost 5am. I'll leave those couple of hours in between to your imagination. Mr. early bird is up at 8:30am like a bored child, so we get up much much earlier then I would have preferred. We come back down to the OC and decide to walk around The Block the whole Sunday afternoon. He needed some things - he's got a gf now who can guide him where to get them. The best part is, it was so lazy. The place wasnt crowded, we were in no hurry, we just wandered around lazily all day. We ate 3 times. Pasta, sushi then ice cream. 2 glasses of wine with sushi put me over the edge. We came home around 6pm intending to watch some football or go to the beach to watch the sunset - instead we napped for about an hour. The exhaustion of the weekend collasping down on both of us like an anvil falling from the heavens. After he left I spent a good part of the evening discussing politics and relationships and life with my roomate and finally collasped into a rumbly tummy, tipsy, exhausted pile.
It was a great weekend. Best of both the girl worlds and boy worlds.

1 comment:

Rose said...

yippee! i waited all day for your bloggy! Sounds like saturday night was FUN :D i know friday night was ;)