Sunday, March 3, 2024

Walking in this World Week 2...

This week was Discovering a Sense of Proportion.  

I didn't find the task all that helpful actually.  At least this week I'm finding I don't really care for the way she words things sometimes.  We had a couple of fill in's.  It was a sentence like "If I had more encouragement, I would have probably tried..." etc etc.  These kinds of sentences kind of annoy me because I feel like she's trying to get you to find out how horrid your child hood or upbringing was and to blame all these things for why you're not living in your "art".  She doesn't do that all the time, and I usually just sort of skip over them but this chapter felt like a lot.  It made me not really be as in to it this week.  I won't list the whole lists here, because so many of them were kind of lame.  But I'll list the ones that I liked or that I found interesting:

"I not commit to this dream of...learning my camera." 
This is a big one, and it came out a lot last time I did the Artists Way.  I really need to get to know my camera and my phone camera.  This is a challenge I have since I'm so friggin impatient.  Well here it is again!  LOL'

"As my own best friend, I would cheer myself on if I tried...Acting again".
I found that surprising because I really have gotten away from it and not sure if I have the courage to really get into it again...but that was something.

Then we were to do a wish list.  20 items.  They could be anything.  The interesting ones that stuck out that weren't the typical "I wish for good health, my fam to be good, etc etc was these:
"I wish I wasn't scared to act again"
"I wish I was more chill" (there's that beast anxiety rearing it's ugly head)
"I could retire" (I'm truly just over working)

Traveling has come up again, living in nature, wanting to be more patient and learn more.  These are all not news but hopefully them popping up again will give me the ass kicking I need.

My walk this week was at work.  There was an event at work I needed to show my face at (since I've missed like the last 5) and I really didn't want to go, but I thought of it as a perfect time for my "Weekly Walk".  I usually call my mom when I do my daily deposit walk, so this would be an excuse to just walk and take in the surroundings.  It was lovely.

Bout to head up the stairs in Argyros Forum to the event.  Thought it was a good shot here...

I did my pages almost every night.  I did skip one or two nights just due to being too friggin tired.  But I am finding I like the journaling before bed.

My Artists Date this week got thwarted by the rain, so instead I baked cookies while Pat was off riding his bike.  Sadly they came out kind of flat, but still tasty.  And one of the things I love the most is when I'm in the condo by myself.  I turned my music up and danced around the house while waiting for the cookies to bake.  I miss doing that.  I do love dancing and it's fun when no one is around to watch me except my dog.

I'm hoping the book gets a bit more interesting.  I seem to have been a bit "meh" this week about it, but I'm sticking to it!

Week 2 Check!

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