Sunday, March 17, 2024

Walking in this World Week 4...

This week was Discovering a Sense of Adventure.
I thought it would be a bit more interesting based on the title, but still seem to be having a bit of a hard time getting into this one.
I also seemed to have a lot going on this week, so I didn't dedicate much time as I have in the past few.  I also slacked pretty good at my nightly journaling.  I did get a few nights in, but probably more missed than successful.

It talks about not ignoring signs that maybe you're not doing what fulfills you.  For example - you may be cool with your job, but you really have a yearning for something else.  Follow that.  I don't seem to be having that issue right now.  I'm just more lost and unfocused I feel like.  

One task was get a sketch pad and go places and sketch what you see.   Well - this girl doesn't draw.  So I grabbed me a little notebook that fits in my purse and I'll write descriptively what I'm seeing.

In fact.  On what I would deem my "Weekly Walk" since there was a morning I didn't chat with my mom on my way to the cashier's office, but rather just let myself take in the surroundings.  I found myself wanting to write this all down.  So I did and that's the photo above

One that does pop up in my life a lot is "Childlike Enthusiasm".  My mom has it.  It's what makes her so special.  And I think I have it a little.  I highlighted this in the book which grabbed my attention:
"No surprise that it was Picasso himself who remarked, ""W are all born children.  The trick is how to remain one"".  I love that!

Another task was what I would "secretly" like to do.  Well, I'm not very secretive but a few surprised me:
Be a housewife.  Yup.  That was one of them.  And at this point in life I really would love that.  I don't want to work anymore.  LOL.  What also came up a lot was I want to live in nature/beach/on a winery.  We then were supposed to write a fantasy as if one was real and I wrote about waking up one morning to a sunrise over a winery.  Makes me want this so badly.

My Artists Date this week was another pedicure.  No picture though.  I do get these on the regular but I also am trying to give myself a break and realize that I don't have to do a different Artists Date each week.

So Week 4 check.  Nothing too much jumped out this week.  Hoping again, for some more interesting insights.  

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