Friday, September 1, 2023

Artists Way Week 7 (Re-Do)...

Recovering a sense of connection.

I can't say this was a great week of me accomplishing all the tasks but was a great week none the less.  I'm finding myself more present.  Appreciating the time I take for myself which is what is coming out of this process that I need the most right now.  I don't know if I'm re-discovering myself or just really trying to focus more on myself.  Whichever it is - it feels good.

There was a 10 questions of negatives in your life.  Nothing of note jumped out here, just wishing I had more guidance on things and/or a mentor.  I think as I got older I realized I do well with help/guidance/mentoring.  (Part of why I think I enjoy this process more now a days) Would have been cool if that happened earlier in life.  Then 10 positives.  Also nothing necessarily of note but cooking and self care are on there!

Then list your 5 favorite movies.  I compared these to last year and a few are the same, but there not all the same.  I also went one step further and added 5 favorite TV shows, because I think TV is now a bigger thing than movies with all the streaming and what not.  You also have to do this super fast.  So I'm sure it'll change up over the years.

5 Favorite Movies that popped in my head:

Have just always loved the beauty in this movie.

It's probably the only cartoon movie I love

Such a feel good movie

Food/Also feel good

Always been a fave

5 Favorite TV shows that popped in my head:

Always will love this show

This surprised me, but it was so well written and the love story was a hit right to my heart

This was so heartwarming

Lucy Forever

Pat & I love love love this show.  I don't know why

Notice a theme?  Ya, me too...FOOD!  Also feel good.  Chef, 100 Foot Journey, the Aristocats and Ted Lasso are all just so heartwarming.  Nothing tragic happens - it's just happy feel good.  Pat & I have had so much turmoil in our lives the last couple years I think I'm yearning for just happy.

The tasks were actually mostly tasks that are already an every day part of my life - wearing favorite clothes, going to a sacred space (peaceful walks are mine), listen to an album.  There was a lot of working on a collage - but I'd rather just add to my image file which I love the idea of so I did the magazine exercise and added more. So I'd say this is where I kind of bombed on the tasks - but I already do them for the most part.

I missed a couple of mornings of morning pages due to going too hard the night before (I swear adding dry days is making it worse on my not dry days it seems)

Artists date this week was a favorite.  I took a pottery class!!  I've always wanted to get on that wheel and see what it's like.  I did it a few times as a kid but don't remember at all.  It was just me and one other guy in the class so it was nice and chill.  Our teacher was a lovely young gal. 

I think my favorite part was when we "center" the clay.  You have to push a certain way with your hands to get it centered.  You feel it when you do and it was really cool!  Like it'd hit and I'd be like "Ahhhh yes there it is".  It was a neat feeling.  I also just really loved the process of throwing clay!  We made 4 attempts.  My 1st one ended up being my best actually.  2nd one was a fail.  3rd and 4th were ok but successful!  I'll now get a call in 3 weeks to come back and glaze them.

Pretty side of their building!

Class area

Love the flowers on the wall!

Oh boy

I was a little nervous...

The 2 pieces I'm keeping.  The one in front was my 1st attempt.  I think that one came out the best.

Couldn't take pictures during - obvi - my hands were elbow up in clay but I had a really good time.  It's a bit harder on the body than I anticipated.  My wrists were like hell no.  But I think certainly with practice you get used to it.  I don't see myself being a pottery thrower but I'd sure love to take a class every now and again!

So another week in the books!  I'm actually a little sad it's getting closer to the end.  I'm enjoying having a guide that's getting me to do things.  I may have to find something else to do.....Hmmmmmm.

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