Thursday, February 5, 2015

Ladybug Rescue...

So I had a weirdly traumatic then happy event happen to me today.

I've had a bit of a crappy couple of days.  I was a bit grumpy for no reason yesterday, then today started the day with the attitude of "This day will be better!" after my morning routine of stretching and a few sun salutations practicing gratitude how can it not be right?

Then I have been in the HMO hell all morning.  My 1st year having HMO and I already hate it.  It's time for my yearly MRI which always makes me a bit anxious.  This is the MRI to make sure that stupid little tumor (Acoustic Nueroma) in my fucking head isn't growing which would then lead to having my head opened up and operated on.  So yes - a cause for a bit of anxiety.  This morning consisted of me being transferred to different people, calling my insurance, calling my doctor, everyone telling me to call the other person to schedule this fucking thing.  I still have not succeeded, but I am in a holding pattern which hopefully that next call will be the hospital saying - "Yes, come on in and get your MRI."   Fingers crossed.

Then to top off that nonsense, I'm battling my computer at work because the system I need to be working to actually to my job is down.  So - phone calls with insurance/doctors and at the same time emailing back and forth with our tech department.  I mean I know this is silly stupid stuff but I swear I felt like this:

Then my dad shows up for lunch.  We had to reschedule our usual Friday lunch date for today.  Things are looking up.  We have a lovely lunch of me trying to explain the story of Hamlet to him and us laughing and chatting as we do during my favorite weekly event.  I love you daddy.

Back in my office in a better mood.  No word from the Dr.  Computer is working.  Happy full belly.  I'm plugging along and I feel something move on my head.  I flick at it assuming it's my frizzy hair doing one of it's usual tickles.  I continue working.  A few minutes later I feel it again.  I again, reach up and flick at my hair - then I feel it.  Something alive.  My heart of course stops and I start to leap out of my chair when it flies up.  It's a lady bug.  I sigh with relief.  I can handle a lady bug.  I mean they're cute!  I watch as it flies up and up in my office hoping it will land soon so I can grab it and take it outside.  It flies up and into my light.

Oh shit.  It's going to die now.  I can't get it out of there!  I sit debating madly if our Facilities Department will actually come out to take a light down and rescue a lady bug.  Doubtful.  I sadly then try to forget about it.  I mean I can't rescue it.  I keep looking up at it.  It's flying around or crawling around but of course can't seem to find the one crack to get out.  I start to get upset.  My Gawd, this lady bug is going to die up in my light and I can't do anything about it and then there's going to be a dead lady bug forever up in my light and I know it's there and I start to get really sad an almost cry.  Yes, my emotions are a little frazzled right now but really?!  I keep telling myself.  It's just a little bug Jami.  You can't rescue it.  I mean if it was a fly I probably wouldn't care.  But all I keep picturing is this:

I mean lady bugs are cute!  We love them!!  One of my favorite movies - Under the Tucson Sun - she talks about lady bugs and it's a really important emotional moment in the movie!!  We love lady bugs and now this little one is going to fucking die in my light and I just have to watch.  I pull myself together and tearfully try to continue working.

About 20 minutes later when I've somewhat composed myself,  this amazing little lady bug lands right in front of my nose and startles me!!!!!  My co-worker was walking in my office at the exact same time to work on a project with me when I shrieked.  "Wait!!!!  Help me!"
He looked slightly confused as I gently pushed the lady bug into my palm and closed my hands around it.
"Hold doors open for me!" I shouted.  I was fucking giddy.
He followed me out the office and out the building opening the doors for me as I explained the dramatic lady bug rescue.

We got outside and I tossed the happy little lady bug out into a bush.

I seriously could burst with joy.

Yes my friends.  Sometimes it's the weirdest little things.  I might be slightly insane, but at least I admit (and write about) it.

Entire day is made!


Justus Outlaw said...

Love Love Love this...

Unknown said...

You certainly made the ladybug's day. And can't we all use a little insanity.

William McCoy said...

Aw-w-w honey, I love you too. And the plant that received the lucky ladybug will continue to thrive because the ladybug will eat those nasty aphids that suck the life out of plants' leaves and branches and buds. So thanks to you, it's a win/win situation. And ladybug karma is very lucky...

Unknown said...

This is amazing and you were right, I completely relate <3