Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Insane Inflatable 5K...

Someone dropped this on my page a while ago saying it was right up my alley.  It sounded fun, especially being on Valentines Day!  Since I am a solo - let's do something fun right!?

I created a team and appropriately called the team Love Bugs.  My description was "Well, it is Valentines Day..."  Plus this was a silly 5K so the perfect type to wear a costume which I hadn't done in a while!

Holly was the 1st to sign up, followed quickly by Robin and Taylor.  Then Maryanne jumped on board and Fatima last minute.  A perfectly fun group!  Not everyone dressed up, but everyone at least threw on some red in spirit!

Robin, Taylor and I carpooled and met right up with Holly.  While we were waiting for the rest of the crew we took this adorable picture:

Part of Team Love Bug

The rest of the crew showed up and I took a few shots of the race area before we started:

Not too many people dressed up which was a little disappointing, but there were a few.  You can see in the above picture some Trojan like fellows.  Then there was this adorable team called Bacon and Eggs:

We did our group team shot:

I love us!
Then of course I love jumping pictures so most everyone humored me.  Holly/Robin:

Robin/Maryanne - um precious!

And of course Taylor and I.  I do feel we are the best jumpers! Ha ha!

Then it was time to start!

Holly's ready!
You start right off on a slide.  It's a bit tough to slide down a slide when you're wearing shorts and there's nothing to help you like water or oil or something.  So I think most everyone got a bit of a butt burn if you were in shorts.

Then off we went.  Now, I haven't been working out to my full potential.  Due to some sickies, some doctor dilemmas and appointments and rehearsals my work outs have not been regular.  Especially - cardio.  My lungs are still pissed from getting the plague last month and that cough is still hanging on.  So needless to say I wasn't even jogging.  Robin had been in a car accident the day before, she's ok but was a bit sore, and I was worried about Taylor's old sprained ankle he forgot to brace being in uneven sand.  So - we all took it pretty easy.  This was the perfect race to do so!  I don't think there were very many super athletic folks on this run.

The next "obstacle" was similar to tires but of course inflatable!

Trotting and walking along:

 I seem to be doing this weird prissy walk as you can see here in a shot captured by Maryanne.  I think it was the unevenness of the sand.  Ha ha!

Shadow play:

Did I mention that it was an absolutely gorgeous friggin day!!!!

Then there was this thing you crawled under and was full of giant balls!!  Fatima and Maryanne were waiting for us and bombarded us as we came in.  Hilarious!

Love the laughter going on here!

There were a couple of wacky jumpy things that were super fun.  I swear it's like bounce houses for adults!

I just love to pose!

A giant airplane slide.

Now here is where I realized a bummer.  After this particular one because you were on it a bit longer than the ones before, I landed on the sand and realized I was dizzy.  My over-sensitive motion issue was kicking in.  I panicked slightly at 1st, thinking I was going to have one of my attacks, get sick and be ruined.  Luckily I never got sick, just a little dizzy.  But - this made me have to really speed through the obstacles as quickly as I could.  No lingering for me or I would get hit with the sickies.  The bummer was I did feel slightly "off" the rest of the day but I was just super thankful and grateful I didn't hit the point of no return.  Because dammit these were fun!!!!
Here was another one that you sort went under and over through.

Um - how adorable is Maryanne!

 At end of the one above was another slide thing that I accidentally did a flip off of.   It was pretty impressive and I know I couldn't repeat it if I tried! Ha ha!!  Funny enough, I was looking through some of the coverage and found this picture of myself from the Huntington Beach Independent!

Another big slide!

This one below is one of my favorite pictures of the day!

Then we kind of hopped along this big one.  I hopped across super quick, afraid to get sick but got this awesome shot of Robin:

Then the last one was the big ol slide!

Thank Gawd I was wearing shorts!
 After the 1000 foot drop slide you were done!  Then you were handed a Tee Shirt and a Medal!  I was so stoked to get a medal because usually these wacky fun races you don't get one!

After the race all of us sans Fatima headed to Killarneys for some mimosas, bloody marys and breakfast!  It was perfect!  A gorgeous day, down at the beach, yummy food and booze and a great group!  I wish we could have stayed down there all day!

I would totally do this race again!  I had so much fun and I'm pretty sure everyone else did too!!  This is a fun run I would be down for!  I hope they come back!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey you were in my 'hood! Miss ya! Hope the race was fun.