Monday, September 10, 2018

A Hodge Podge Of Geocaching Excursions...

I've started to just collect a few in one blog, then when I have enough I'll post it!

Also - ***SPOLIERS*** if you're cache folk and don't want to see the reveals!

I'll start off with a trek to Peter's Canyon which is actually my go to hike.  This is the one that a friend introduced me to when I was easing back to activity after the hemorrhage.  Ever since then it's sort of my go-to.  Well, since I've got the premium Geocache now I can see a few caches that are hidden there!  So, one night on a hike with my friend Cristina, I showed her what geocaching was all about!

Pretty view!
There were 3 it looked like on my usual trail.  There was a 4th, but sounded like it's been missing.  The 1st one was super easy to find!

Left a little purple guy!
Yay!  The 2nd one was pretty much way off the trail, and it would look pretty weird if we were looking around for something since we were there at kind of a busy time so we skipped it.  The 3rd was on the harder part of the trail, but again - too busy.  Damn!  But a lovely night for a hike!

Miss Cristina
A few weeks later I went back by myself to see if I could find the one I thought may be easy.  Well - alas no.  I searched for almost a half hour!!!!  I spent so much time looking for the one on the trail, I didn't have time to go look for the other one.  Plus it was getting dark and I was getting hungry.  So I decided - well - I should exercise - so I ran!  Yes ran!!!  I was hungry and pissed because I couldn't find it so I ran back to my car.  Holy shit my ass and legs hurt for like 3 days after that!

My next cache adventure was one I'd been wanting to check out in my neighborhood.  I read about it and it was in someone's front yard and part of one of those Little Free Libraries.  First of all - those little free libraries are goddamn adorable!!!!  I figured this one would be easy since it lead us to a residence.  So I packed up a book to leave and grabbed my cache buddy and bestie - Robin - for a evening walk.

It was over in a neighborhood that may or may not be considered Old Towne - but super close.  As we walked up  - there it was!

The cutest little free library!  The instructions said to go ahead and come in the gate, so we did, even though 2 dogs were barking furiously at us through the front window.  They eventually stopped, so I think the owner may have been home and shushed them.  How trippy right?  Just having random people come in your yard?  But this just builds up my joy that there are good humans out there!

When we went in and I opened it up -  there was a tupperware cache box along with books and other random trinkets.  I didn't take a book but did leave my Perks of being a Wallflower book.  I also left a little dragon in the cache box and took a Thor that I could hang up at my work!

My #1 Cache Buddy
So fun and cute!!  I loved this one!!

My last adventure for this blog was a Sunday morning in downtown Santa Ana.  I had seen that there's a slew of caches along Santa Ana that someone has hid that has something to do with the Pacific Electric Line.  I was meeting a girlfriend for brunch and thought it would be fun to look for one or two afterwards.  We had a nice buzz, so what a perfect way to walk it off!  There were two not too far off from where we ate so we headed off.  Unfortunately we couldn't find the 1st one.  We looked and looked, but no luck.  I swear it's on this one thing - but I just couldn't find it.  So we headed off to look for the other one - and guess what - I found it!  Yay!  Now that I kinda know what I'm looking for, I'll go back another time to look for the 1st one.  I think these are just logs, so they're probably all flat ones!

Bitches who Brunch

I was like..."Is that it?"

I'm having so much fun trying to "Cache them All"!!!

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