Thursday, October 5, 2017


I don't understand America's obsession with guns.

It's just us.

No other country is as obsessed with guns as we are.

We even have a fucking amendment that was put in the constitution. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."  

Nothing.  And I mean nothing.  Is as hot of a topic as guns.

Hear me out:

I'm a liberal.  Most of my friends are liberals - some to the extreme.  Most of my friends are extremely against guns completely.  Others, like myself, don't want to take away you gun people's guns necessarily, we just want better laws, regulations, etc.  Oh and AR Rifles banned for fucks sake.

Personally I hate fucking guns.  The fact that this little (or larger) piece of metal can take away the life of a living creature with one pull of a trigger freaks me out.  I also have some sort of trauma from childhood that relates to loud noises that any sort of loud noise (firework, car backfire, gunfire) actually scares the shit out of me and gives me severe anxiety.  I don't know why, but that's the way it is.  When I get scared, my knee jerk reaction is to cover my ears.  I can't explain it but it's some sort of phobia I've had since I was a kid.

But I know people, responsible people, that have guns.  They have handguns.  Maybe shotguns.  They lock them up.  They obey all the rules and laws and regulations.  They are very respectful of them in fact.  I have absolutely not one ounce of concern or worry that something accidental will happen because of their guns.  If you want to have a handgun for protection - so be it.  If you want take your guns and go shoot crap in the desert or at shooting ranges - so be it.  But no one, NO FUCKING ONE, needs an automatic anything.  Here is where I'm confused.

Why is it so easy to get your hands on the weapons meant to kill multiple people at a rapid speed.  Yes, some states are way stricter and you probably can't get a hold of these as easily but you can get them if you try hard enough.  Why the fuck are they not banned?!  Why in the ACTUAL FUCK are there now things called bump stocks that you can purchase that can be added to a non automatic gun and make it automatic?!  

My other confusion is why the Hell are we so obsessed?!?!  Example - the nano second someone opens their mouth about gun control or gun anything really, the gun people say "Don't take my guns!!"  They may start spouting off the 2nd amendment.  You can't even have a discussion about it.  People with guns seem so fucking protective of their right to have a gun they flip right out.  A lot of these assholes are the same ones who think it's ok to take away people's human rights but don't you dare touch my fucking gun! (Not all of you).  What is that?!  What's with guns?!  

A guy I dated a while back - on our 1st date (he knew I was liberal) he felt the need to tell me he had guns but not to worry because he obeyed the law and was careful and blah blah.  Honestly I didn't care.  You didn't have to tell me that 5 minutes into our date.  It's ok dude, settle down, I'm not a liberal here to take away your gun - but again - WHAT IS THAT?  And he's not the 1st.  I have so many people I've had conversations with that are all chill and cool and most of the time pretty left swinging politically.  Then if guns are mentioned, as if you stuck them with a hot poker they tense up and get all defensive saying "Well I have guns and I have a right and I'm careful and BLAH FUCKING BLAH!" 

We have an NRA.  We actually have an organization that is a national GUN ORGANIZATION.  Not only that - it's seriously one of the the most powerful organizations in the country.  

Other countries have no fucking clue why America is so obsessed with guns.  I keep using the word obsessed because that's what we are.  A school - A FUCKING SCHOOL WITH CHILDREN  - can get shot up yet nothing happens.  A nightclub in Florida gets shot up and holds the record for the worst mass shooting in US History and nothing happens.  And now the Vegas shooting took that record from Florida, killing a bunch of innocent people trying to enjoy a music festival.  WHAT. THE. FUCK.

While my heart is breaking, and I've been crying for days, and crying more reading the stories of the victims and I can't even begin to imagine the fear and the horror these people went through that awful night, I come back to this - why was this 60 something year old gambler able to buy that many guns and bump stocks and no one raise an eyebrow?!  I'll tell you - because we're obsessed with guns. 

We can't even talk about it!  I look to you - the gun people - calm the fuck down and stop worrying so much about people trying to take away your guns or take away your rights and try to get our backwards ass country right now to step the fuck up and fix this.  Because they're certainly not listening to any one else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think people are gun fanatics and are weird about guns because this is a country that has major avoidance and power/control issues. I wrote my master’s thesis on this (power and control, and why this is a country built on a foundation of fear). This country was founded because we were running from something (Britain). But we hadn’t resolved our own issues yet. It’s like an abused kid running from their parents and getting married young. The kid either becomes an abusive jerk or submissive person in his/her marriage—because he/she did not resolve the issues of abuse before moving onto the next phase of life. Same with leaving an abusive relationship and rebounding to the next before taking time to work on oneself. The issues are still there. And those issues are fear. I don’t know all the reasons we “ran” from Britain, but the point is we left and did not take any time to figure out who we are before founding this country. We founded this country when we were still in a state of fear. Everything we’ve done since has been a reaction that is fear-based because the fear was never resolved. All of our power-hungry laws, control-freak mentality, “othering”/race issues—it’s all fear based. We (Americans, not you and I) are scared little kids just faking our own power, hiding behind guns. Of course there are other, more simple ways to look at it, like these gun-hungry people are just heartless and senseless. But to me, the issue is deeply rooted and it’s tied to fear.