Thursday, June 23, 2016

So I did a movie...

Well, I shot one scene for a movie.
It's a horror movie called Cold Blooded.
It's super low budget and a bit disorganized but it was fun!
A bunch of fellow actor friends have been a part of this guy's previous flicks and vouched for me for this horror flick, so I was offered the role of Sandy.  Sandy was supposed to be a college student but he change it to a TA since I'm old.  I was super excited because I love me some horror. 

My headshot they used

I showed up at the guy's house with my friend Keeney.  He's also in the movie but tagged along for my shoot to help out and keep me company. 
It was an extremely hot day and we were shooting out in the middle of San Bernadino somewhere. 
One of our actors didn't show up.  The dude that was supposed to play my boyfriend.  Welp - those few pages of lines I memorized just went out the window.  We came up with an alternative plan and shot that.  It was all pretty much improv, which I am not good at, and we shot the scenes. 
1st scene - me and the 2 other college kids resting on our hike.  Our other college kid (the missing actor) is off taking a shit somewhere.  We split off.  We're using a goPro - so sadly I'll never be able to actually watch my scene - I'm alone - have a lame few lines to the camera and I hear a noise.  "Guys?"  "This isn't funny"  "Where are you?"  You know, the typical I'm about to die lines in a cheesy horror flick.  Here comes one of the kids - disemboweled and missing an arm.  Lots of screaming as he falls on top of me.  I push him off...hear something...goPro over to my other dead college student.  Scream.  Die off camera.
I was little sad to die off camera and even more sad it was a goPro so you probably don't see me get bloody at all.  They used real animal guts which smelled awful and that scene took way longer than it should have in the heat, with the flies and the smelly guts and blood but it was still fun.  I wish it was more of a cooler death scene but we had to sort of wing it since the original plan was shot to hell due to missing actor. 
The crew was super cool and called us troopers at the end of the day.  The other two actors were super sweet and fun to work with.  
Home and right into the shower.  But hey - I'm in a horror movie for like 2 seconds!
This is Charles.  He plays Ben.  Ben dies.
That's our DP Cesar
The Talent.  Yup.  Sara, Charles and me.  We played Carrie, Ben and Sandy and are about to die.
Chasing the shade
This is when we arrived.
Our 1st scene
Poor Carrie!  Sara was as trooper laying there forever!

I figured I'd post a pic of the guy who was supposed to be my boyfriend and I got to make out with.  Sadly that didn't happen and twisted our shoot day into a lot of improv and winging it.  He had shot this scene a few weeks prior cuz he's the one that is still sort of alive when the lead actors come across him. 
Wrap.  I missed the memo to look cool and was just happy.

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