Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Taking a stab at Meal Preparation...

So one of my besties and I were chatting over drinks one day (Isn't that where all ideas come from) and decided to give this a whirl.

She had been looking into Macro Meal Preps which are supposed to be good for those folks into working out and/or have active lifestyles.  She's looking to get back into shape and lose some weight and I'm looking into eating  more balanced healthy meals.  Hell I'm looking into just eating like a grown up.

We both live alone and it's just a bitch to cook for yourself.  And someone like me - who NEVER WILL NOR CAN cook.  Yes, I've become quite the baker...but only when it's cold.  I'm super new to cooking and the few attempts I've had, have failed epically.   So - here we are.

She's super excited about this and I'm all about playing the support role in this new adventure.  Oh - I should also mention I HATE vegetables.  Unless they are flavored with some delicious  mask I'm going to whine.  I also get bored easily with food so let's see if I can actually succeed in this thing!

We're part way into Week 2 and here's what I've experienced so far:

Terri found Daiso Dollar Store.

It's like Tupperware Haven

We've decided to switch back and forth between her and my place and up 1st was her place.  We have also decided on an 8am Sunday Go Time!  We'll prep for 5 days a week.  I was thinking we were only doing lunches, but nope - T is in for the whole Sha-bang!  Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack and Dinners.

I roll into her place at 8am excited and ready to do this!

We hit up Smart & Final.  Last weeks recipes were:
 - Chicken Breast cut up into pieces and doused with Italian Dressing
 - Chicken Breast with a chicken taco seasoning
 - Turkey Meatballs with onions and parsley
 - Boxed couscous (The garlic kind)
 - Green Beans (with garlic to help me eat them)
 - Asparagus
 - Sweet Potatoes (Terri adds honey and some other delicious flavors and it's fucking awesome!)

These were our main meals - lunch and dinners.

For breakfasts she wanted to do this oat thing.  You basically fill the jars with oats, milk and berries and can eat it cold.  I'm a big smoothie for breakfast person and don't really want to alter that so we also made "prepped fruit" containers.  So brekkie:
 - Not quick oats
 - Blueberries
 - Strawberries
 - Nanas
 - Greens (mostly spinach)
 - Almond for me Coconut for her Milk

Then snacks:
Morning snacks we got almonds and pepitas.

Afternoon snacks:
Hard-boiled eggs and grapes.

I brought a bottle of my really nice white wine to celebrate our kick off and we hit it!  OH MY GOD IT TOOK US ALL DAY.

Now - this was our 1st time.  We also took a lot of breaks.  We also realized we didn't get food to eat the day we cook so I had to run back out and get us sandwiches.  Terri has a great little kitchen but as we were working I realized how much my kitchen lacks.  Uh oh.

We slaved away (Oh by the way  - we're in the middle of a fucking summer heat wave) T doing most of the real cooking and me doing lots of the cutting/peeling/chopping/etc.  I also have a new favorite contraption - a garlic press!!!

After a long, hot day we started to put food into the containers.  I'm not gonna lie - this was my favorite part.  It was so rad to see all our hard work in front of us!  We basically just mixed and matched - shooting for one protein, one starch and one veggie.  Take a look!

So - during the week I did ok.  I had already had 4 scheduled engagements, meaning I would miss 4 meals, so I gave them to my mom.  Share and share alike right!  Week one lessons learned:

 - HOLY SHIT I LIKE GREEN BEANS! (with garlic...more next time)
 - We made a bit too much sweet potatoes.  The helpings in each meal were a bit too much for me.
 - My favorite was the Italian Dressing Chicken pieces.
 - 2 hard boiled eggs are too much for a snack.  We'll go down to 1 next week.
 - I never ate my morning nuts.
 - I just can't like asparagus.
 - I really didn't like the oatmeal thing but T loved it.
 - We needed more veggies (I'd rather not of course but ya....we needed more)
 - I found having an afternoon snack helped me have a bit more energy at my boxing class.
 - The turkey meatballs were too dry for me so I made tacos with them and added BBQ sauce.  Delish!
 - I loved having meals just ready to be made.  My smoothie making in the morning now takes like 2 minutes.  It's also so great to just heat and eat.

So week one - I'd say success!!

So for week two it's at my place.  Now - I was totally anxious about this because I have nothing in my kitchen.  Nor do I have room!  T was perfectly calm and prepared though and brought what we needed.

We hit up my Smart & Final which wasn't as good as T's.  Little disappointed there.  Not as good of produce.  Boo.

So this week - go time was 8am again and we vowed to get done quickly since we both had afternoon plans we wanted to get to.  So - we hammered it out in the gnarly heat (it was hotter and my place is hotter) in four hours and 20 minutes!  BAM!

This week's receipts went like this:

 - The Italian Dressing Chicken Pieces again (We still had half a bottle of dressing from last week)
 - Steak that T improvised with Soy Sauce and Worcester Sauce
 - Salmon.  This recipe - Honey Salmon. (T doesn't like fish but is willing to try it!  This is one of my favorite recipes I found on Pinterest.
 - More green beans than last time (with garlic of course...extra) and we had left over asparagus so we just mixed them together.
 - Same Sweet Potatoes because - Um Delish!
 - Mashed Cauliflower
 - Boxed Rice (an almond flavor)

For brekkie same thing sans oatmeal and we had raspberries & blackberries over blueberries.

Afternoon snacks - same thing just one hard boiled egg.

Shockingly we did ok in my caboose.  It was hot as hell and we had to get a bit creative with spacing and my cats were so good staying out of the way but looking at us like we were nuts but we did it!

Again T did most of the actual cooking, but I cooked my salmon.  Yummy!  

And here you go!

Notice creative use of space

Kinda pretty right?

So I'm just in the beginning of week 2 (It's Tuesday) but it's going good!  I actually ate one of my meals on our prep day for lunch after T left.  But that works out since I have dinner plans tonight with a friend.

We opted out of the morning snack since neither of us really ate them.  I just combined all the nuts and will snack when needed. 

I'm starting to run into my usual Jami Challenge which is - "If I eat healthy too long I start to not like it."  I don't understand that.  I guess since I don't smoke anymore, I don't do drugs anymore I'm now addicted to food.  I fucking love food.  But healthy food bores me.  I know - it's weird - but it's never as flavorful as I like, or maybe not flavors I like.  I'm going to stick to this though dammit and maybe learn some new stuff!  I liked the green beans last week but kind of over them this week.  I'm hungry.  I don't seem to be getting full enough.  I went on Pinterest today and pinned some recipes that seem like they will be delicious. I'm also impatient as hell and want to notice a difference.  I'm making some changes in my life that I'm really hoping I will notice, but we'll blog on that later.

But - so far so good!

I'm eating like an adult!

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