Monday, March 23, 2015

Mainly Rehearsal Pics...

I realized I missed a whole slew of pictures that Brenda took, so this is mostly just that.  Rad Brenda rehearsal photos.

I'm still recovering from the plague.  The strep has cleared up but this upper respiratory is hanging on for dear life.  Aside from some gnarly coughing fits yesterday I think I did ok.  I pretty much crashed out when I got home.  One of the Shadow Hamlets is also fighting a cold and our poor Hamlet was still in a pretty weakened state yesterday from his plague.  Ugh!  But the show must go on!

We had our all day rehearsal yesterday at the McCoy-Rigby studios and it went quite well.  We do apparently have some dance number we're doing in the beginning and oh should have seen that clusterfuck.  Only a couple of the cast members are actually good dancers so the rest of us were tripping over our own feet.  Bryan and I were smashing into each other the whole time.  Hilarious.

I love this picture. 

Um...I'm confused.

Bryan was doing some weird Peanut Butter Jelly Dance.  Totally freaking me out yet hilarious.

The nunnery scene is finally and hopefully set.  I was really uncomfortable and just not getting Dave's vision for it.  But he explained that he wants it a little "off".  So - Brenda and I went at it.  She was super patient with me as I tried to put together some ideas.  When Dave came to watch it afterwards he was super happy with it.  Yay!!!!  It's still a bit weird to me, but if it works I'll work with it.

When we ran the mad scene Dave gave me a thumbs up.  That made my heart glow.  I've really been trying to come up with levels in that one.  I can't wait to work it more on site.  There's so much more room!!

Here's my little collage from yesterdays rehearsal:

It really is starting to come together!!  Jeremy and Alex are coming up with some really great bits as Rosencrans and Gildensteren.  And the Shadow Hamlets along with Jeffrey's physicality are making for some really rad creepy scenes!  I can't wait to see it grow and grow from here!  I love when you start to see a show shape up!!!!

Brenda just posted a bunch from Sunday as well!  Check em out below!!

Alex and Adam

My mad scene

I'm apparently either going to bite Jeffrey or plotting his death.  Seriously...what's the face?


My brudder

Ok, that's better!

There seems to be alot of this shot! Ha ha!

Who you texting??

Below are pictures Brenda took last week from rehearsal!

Rosencrans and Gildenstren played by Alexander Makardish and Jeremy Hohn

Stage Manager Petey!


Bryan Jennings as Claudius

Jill Carey Martin and Jeffrey Kieviet as Gertrude and Hamlet

Me and Craig Johnson as Laeretes

1st make out session and yes - totally threw me off, blushing like a moron and forgot what play I was doing. 


Adam Poynter as one of the Shadow Hamlets

So serious

Me and my pops Polonious played by Rick Kopps
 I'm starting to get nervous!!!  We open in less than a month!!!  Eeeeeeek!

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