Thursday, January 1, 2015

Goodbye 2014 and Hello 2015...

2014 is gone.  Just like that.  Poof!  And that’s what it felt like.  That it just poofed!!  My dad warned me as you get older time speeds up.  No joke!

This was a pretty mellow year in the life of Jami.  No major tragedies (Thank GAWD) and not really major life changes.  But it was the year of moving my gramma into mom’s house, cleaning out her house and putting it up for sale.  I’ll touch on that later. I'm just going to do a short month to month since I'm better about blogging each adventure in my life as it happens so let’s hit the quick little highlights here first.
Here we go:

I started the year off plunging into the ocean with Fatima at the Huntington Beach Polar Plunge! 
Remember that?  I do!  Super fun!

February brought my epic birthday weekend I blogged about including the wedding of the Lovely Lauren!

I have a bit of a battle with illness in March – missed the Irish Run!  Dammit!  But I did get to see another beautiful wedding!!!  My boys!


I'd like to point out here that also in all of these months of course are many many nights and afternoons and mornings with friends.  I'm so friggin lucky to have so many wonderful people in my life!  April also brought a very chill Easter Sunday!

May was pretty full – my 1st run of the year – Color Run.  This was also of course Doheny Blues – always a highlight!  I also made it to a Cubbie Game and did the Camp Pendleton Run.

Gladiator and the Irvine Mud Run were in here.  A couple of showers and a visit to the Hsi Lai Temple!

This was the highlight of my year – the Napa trip!  Sigh.  Oh how I want to go right back!!!!

Super Gladiator and the Wine Run were the runs this month.  Also Holly and Roger's engagement party and lots of hangouts!

Looking back at the calendar it seemed like I had a lot of happy hours!  Ha ha ha!

I had my last Gladiator this month and another wedding!  Got to see Jack and Bobby Dean tie the knot!  The other major highlight this month were my epic Halloween adventures!!  Best Halloween season to date!

My last race of the year – Rugged Maniac and Thanksgiving!

Was kind of a blur actually.  Got super busy at work and then of course the holidays!

And here we are.  January 1st.  I can’t believe it.  I didn’t celebrate the eve last night.  I was still fighting that cold and it was FREEZING outside so I was in bed by 10pm.  I did get awoken by fireworks, horns and shouting so I at least heard the new year ring in!  This morning I got up and took a long walk. I was curious how far it was from my house to the cemetary.  It was a pretty good walk but I did it in just over an hour.  I did have a run in with a coyote though!  I was surprised to find him in such a populated area!  The Coyote is usually a symbol of trickery and not to take life to seriously so maybe he was just my reminder to keep going in the direction I am.  I certainly don’t take life too seriously now.  I stopped by Papa’s grave and wandered through the cemetary.  So peaceful.  Then headed home.  I lunched with The Gallos and I cannot believe how much that kid looks like his folks!  So cute!  I took gramma for a drive and now I’m back home for another night in trying to stay warm.

2014 was one of those years that it seems like nothing happened and a lot happened.

Moving my gramma in with my mom and doing the process of cleaning out the house and selling it was pretty nuts.  Let’s start with the move in.  This happened in July – pretty much right after I got back from Napa.  It was a rough weekend.  Terri, Amber, Keri, Keith, Shawn and my brother, Danelle, mom of course, and I worked our tails off on move day.  It was brutal and emotional but we did it.  The clean out of the house was another monster.  Holy.  Shit.  Have you ever cleaned out an entire house?  Weeks and weekends of bit by bit we got through it.  My brother and some friends did an immense amount of work on the place.  My mom’s friend Deb and Danelle were also a huge help.  Myself and my mother were there a lot picking through everything and trying to go sort it all.  Very hard.  Very emotional.  We hired a woman to do the Estate Sale for us since it was just too much and she was wonderful.  The realtors were very sweet and helpful and we had one final clean out day and a handful of friends showed up:

Found out this was my great-grandpa's booze! 

We did it.  It was weird to walk away.  It sold almost immediately.  Check was in my gramma’s hand right before Christmas.  It was a sad chapter that was closed.  My mother handled everything amazingly well.  That woman is just like her dad.  Plus, her work isn’t done.  My gramma lives with her now.  Lord.  (Did you read how winning those Disneyland tickets was a fucking godsend for her!) 

I kept a few things of my Papa’s things but not too much.  A few love letter to my gramma.  A name badge.  A few other sentimental trinkets.  I miss him.  Every damn day I miss him. 

Aside from that, life has just gone along.  I feel like my friend circle is smaller now but I like that.  I spend more time with my close friends.  I find that I don’t try so hard to hang out with everyone anymore.  It’s getting to that point – it’s a two way street.  I just can’t be the one who ALWAYS MAKES THE PLANS anymore.  

One very tough moment of 2014 - I had to say goodbye to The White Devil.  This as many of you know was my truck.  She's the longest relationship I ever had!  10 years!  She finally died and I got 3K for her which I promptly turned over to my gramma and bought my Papa's car.  

I’ve worked on myself more.  I don’t throw away my workout classes anymore.  I don’t over book myself anymore (Some may disagree but it’s actually better).  I sleep a lot more.  Ha ha!  My only regret this last year is I seem to have fallen out of my meditation practice the last part of the year.  I definatley plan to remedy that in 2015.

So – 2014 – I bid you farewell.  I’ve lost some friends and gained some new ones.  I’ve conquered some more difficult Obstacle Course Races.  I took my 1st real vacation to a place I’ve always wanted to go and spent a perfect week with my best friend in wine country.  I’ve loved myself more, my friends more and especially my family more.  You were a good year.

2015 – I welcome you with open arms!  I don’t make resolutions but there are some things I want to do and I’m excited about.  I have a new show in April that I can’t wait to get started rehearsing.  I want to install a better routine for myself to continue to improve my life.  I want more art this year.  I have a new fancy camera I want to learn and play with.  I have dusty art supplies I actually started futzing with a bit last night.  See...check it out...I made it for mom and gramma:

It's made with old parts my Papa had jars of in his garage.  I call it "Pieces of Papa"

I can’t wait to see what the year brings!

This whole growing up thing is a trip.  I’m more accepting of things.  More patient (seriously I am!).  Happier.  I enjoy life.  Every day.  I’m having a blast finding newer and better ways to be a good person. 

Life is good!

Wishing you all a year filled with love, laughter, adventure and growth!  

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