Sunday, September 9, 2012

Seen some shows...seen my is slightly different...

One of the things I'm trying to do differently is that. Do it. I never realized what a procrastinator I really was. People recommend books, I write them down, maybe finally get around to buying them who knows how long later. Could be years. There are shows I mean to see, don’t get around to it until the last weekend then cram in multiple shows trying to get them all in and end up missing one. Think to myself "That would be fun to do someday!" This could be something as simple as checking out Crystal Cove or going to an event that sounds fun. I also procrastinate when it comes to medical stuff that isn’t right on my face - like dealing with motion sickness. "I keep meaning to talk to the Dr. about that...". Never do. Brain pops. Hmmmm, I always thought life was short but now it somewhat slapped me in the face and said "REAL SHORT!" So, I plan things out even more so now (Didn’t think it was possible for me to plan more did ya?!) But this way I can make sure to get in what I want. I actually type it into my iPod calendar instead of thinking about it. I have purchased all books recommended to me and now have quite the reading list. I heard about the Chocolate Festival, missed it last year, and bought my ticket for this year. There's an event my friend is chairing that sounded interesting - something I've never really done before, bought a ticket. And I've also finally caught some theatre! I saw Venus and Adonis at Orange County Shakespeare a while back and quite enjoyed it. I didn’t care for the woman playing Venus though. She had zero emotion but the rest of the cast was fantastic. I then saw an all-female production of Julius Cesar. Now Julius Cesar isn’t one of my favorite Shakespeare shows, yet it seems to be the one I've seen the most. The production was ok. There were some performances though that I thought were quite good. My friend Brenda was, as always, brilliant. She stood out from the entire cast. The language rolled off her tongue as if it was everyday chat and she gave Brutus a charm that made you love her. I enjoyed the performances of the gal who played Cassius and Marc Antony as well. I then saw Much Ado About Nothing at Orange County Shakespeare and they took a very slapsticky approach. I love a good comedy and I thought they did well. They cast Beatrice/Benedict too old though for sure. The actors were good, but it just didn’t come across well to me age wise. But I laughed a lot and thought the other performers were very funny! My friend Megan was in it as Margaret and she were lovely. This last Friday night I saw Twelve Angry Men at Stages and loved it. I knew a handful of the actors and the director and it was really good! I have never seen this done, only read the play. I thought everyone was wonderful and especially Brian Fichter. He was so natural and you HATED his character. His racist monologue made your skin crawl. Brilliant. Next weekend I'll be catching The Changeling at LBP. I also went to a costume party I normally wouldn’t have dressed up for because I have a tendency to get lazy if I can’t get something together. Well - I threw together a "Shot Fairy" costume and I was quite pleased with myself. I've also been heading down some weekends to walk with my friend Nat. She's pregnant and the perfect walking companion to ease back into activity. She's a fit as hell preggo as well so she gets me working. I used to think it was such a pain in the ass to drive all the way down there just for a walk. Oh no. It's beautiful and worth it and I'm so glad I've been doing it. I find myself making sure I'm to bed early enough so I'm up and feeling good to go. Another thing I have always thought would be nifty is to be a spectator at a race. My friend R is a triathlete and has been getting stronger and fitter by the second. I've been watching her progress over the last year and it's phenomenal. She usually races out of state but her and her hubs were going to be running the local triathlon that happened today. I was thrilled to be able to catch it! I plan on writing a separate blog since there were a lot of things I found interesting today! So stay tuned! I also saw my Dr. last week about my motion sickness since I got ill during meditation and it's just gotten too bad to stand. He was not pleased to find out my neurologist didn’t want to pursue the possibility of the tumor they found being a cause or at least contributing. He wrote a 2 page recommendation letter and included some of my studies and sent me on to the House Ear Clinic. He said he wanted to skip an ENT and send me straight to the what he figured is the source. The man I saw explained to me I have a schwanoma. He is sending me to a place to have a balance test. This test is what I have now called a barf test. It's happening October 12th so please send any love and positive healing non barfy vibes my way. It's a 2 hour test and it includes goggles with some sort of infrared something, flipping me around and shooting water/air into my year. It's pretty much going to purposely set off my motion intolerance/vertigo or what have you. I am dreading it almost as much as I dreaded my 2nd angiogram. I do know this stuff needs to happen though and I'm ready to tackle whatever the fuck this is that makes me so sick. I do hope hope hope that this schwanoma doesn’t grow because radiation has been tossed around as one of the options which he really wants to avoid. Me too dude. I return then for a follow up and we study my MRI together and discuss I guess my options and how to handle this going forward. So, we'll see. I'm pretty nervous/anxious about this whole thing but know it's necessary. I have also been enjoying nature more. I know this sounds cheesy or odd, but I’m just noticing stuff more. Taking the time more. I saw some birds in my moms birdbath, I tried to capture them on film even though I was headed out the door to grocery shop. My mom and I were in the middle of a movie and I paused it to drag her outside when I noticed through the window the sky was tinted pink. I stop when it’s super quiet outside, close my eyes and take a deep breath and listen. It’s kind of funny what you may find yourself actually hearing. So there ya go. I've jumped back to my full life and loving it. Things are still a little hard but worth it. I find myself happy to be alive a lot.

1 comment:

Rose said...

Holy cow that test sounds HORRENDOUS! Best wishes to you! I'm proud of you for living in the now!