Sunday, April 1, 2012

I am here...

The last couple of weeks have gone by in a blur and I have completely neglected my blogs, my exercise, and my sanity, my everything.
I knew it was going to happen, I just didn’t know to this extreme.
In a nutshell, I was part of a show that unfortunately was very unorganized from the get go. It took much more of my time and stress and gas money than I had anticipated and I had probably one of the most brutal tech weeks of my life. I wasn’t getting home until 1am most nights, and still having to work my regular day job. The show opened and I tried to get my life back on track and I've still been stumbling around trying to get it there.
I also got nailed with a stomach flu followed 2 days later by the cold/flu, knocking me on my ass for about a week.
Then our computer was down for a bit over a week and I found I can’t do a whole helluva lot on my iPhone.
Also my Papa has declined again. We had a paramedic run on him and my gramma when he fell on her one night, the following night he almost fell again but this time he wasn’t all the way to the ground so I thought I could handle getting him up and to the couch. This turned into 2 huge fights with my mother, one with my gramma and me spending 25 minutes of lifting and holding my Papa who is not a light 97 year old. He couldn’t help at all so he was complete dead weight. After a stressful, sweaty, strenuous effort my MacGyver skills using a table with my foot helped us to success. But this did lead to the ultimate 2nd fight with my mom that they need 24 hour care because Thursday night CANNOT be repeated. This was the night of my bowling play offs which I had already missed 3 weeks in a row due to a friend's need, sickness and tech and I couldn’t miss again. I torqued the left side of my body and my already jacked up wrist in the Papa rescue. I only bowled one game but by the end I was hurting.
Of course the next night was my show followed by Warrior Dash and closing my show yesterday.
So as you can see, the last few weeks have been a little much and my body has been slammed pretty badly. BUT I'm back and today, aside from the soreness, I'm excited to get back on track again.
Some updates on some things and thoughts:
- Bowling. I was very sad to have missed 3 weeks in a row of my bowling party league nights. I absolutely love my team and I always have a great time those Thursday nights. The league doesn’t seem to be too organized and somewhat screwed us on our win last season but my team makes up for it. We lost the 1st round of playoffs last Thursday night but we played hella good! I'm so proud of my team and all of their improvements. They get better every time! A couple of them have even bought their own shoes and balls! I plan on at least getting a pair of my own bowling shoes now that I'm back to normal. Our next season should start up end of April and I'm pretty sure my entire team is on board for another go.
- Theatre. I'm a little scared by the fact that theatre seems to have taken a backseat in my life. I'm still exploring this, but it terrifies me. Theatre has always been my everything. My entire life has revolved around it. My passion has not died for it, but other things have become more important. My health, my activity in my life, and my quest to meet someone real. I'm not sure how to handle this quite yet. At the moment I am only going to sign onto projects that I'm extremely passionate about, that are organized and I feel confident will put out a good finished product. I also am very picky on who I will and will not work with now. I need to explore this more, but I have a feeling some things are going to be shifting.
- Warrior Dash. There will be a separate blog for this.
- My blogging. I have gotten WAY behind in my Writers Book of Days. I was going to shine it and just skip the last few insane weeks, but I think I'm going to try to do a couple a day, maybe 3 to try to catch back up. I have found some of the writing assignments give me no inspiration whatsoever so there may be blogs of random words that come to mind, but I feel this is ok. I also am loving my haikus sometimes :). My hummingbird family has flown the coop so I will be posting the final blog of pics here soon. Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten!
That's probably it for now. I will be blogging a bit more and catching back up on lots of things now that I'm feeling better, not insanely busy, and have an up and running home computer. But I do have to throw in some naps and recovery time as well so this blog is it for today!

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