Monday, April 9, 2012

April Foolishness...

Last Saturday evening I attended KROQ's Kevin & Bean's April Foolishness.
I have been a fan of stand up my whole life. I have had multiple people tell me I should do stand up. I f-ing love comedy. Why I don’t see more stand up shows is beyond me. Kevin & Bean do this show every year. I always hear about it and think, "Man I would love to go to that" and when I finally get around to doing something about it, it already went on sale and promptly sold out as it always does. This is one of my problems. I think of great things to do then wait too long to actually do them. I just have too many things going on in my mind at all times and when I finally have time to focus - ah well.
Anyway - this year I was on it. I heard the announcement on the radio and then heard Eddie Izzard as part of the lineup. I flipped.
I realized the on sale time was a time I was in a meeting at work, so I emailed a few of my friends I knew loved Eddie and T promptly volunteered to buy the tix and we'd pay her later. I also love that she is a snoot when it comes to seating because she got KILLER SEATS.
I have been looking forward to this ever since I got the email saying we were in. It ended up being me and T and Jules. Two women I adore. We met up at 5 and headed up to LA in the lovely LA traffic. I hate LA. I seriously will only deal with that city for something worth it. We got there a little later than we had hoped but walked into the 1st restaurant we saw which was a steak place and put our name in. We hung around drinking wine and beer waiting for our table and caught up. That's when I snapped the shot of the 3 of us below.
Our names were called, we sat and promptly ordered. We had an outstanding waitress we tipped well and my steak sandwich was AMAZING! We downed the last of our alcohol and booked it over to the Gibson.
As we sat our asses down Larry King started his set. First of all Larry King? Stand up? He was alright. He was ok. He introduced his very young wife which was odd. But whatevs.
Next up was Felipe Esparza. Hilarious. T was crying next to me. This guy actually won the Last Comic Standing show apparently. I can see why. My only critique of him was he kept moving around. He was obviously nervous, but he needn’t be because the crowd loved him.
Up 3rd was Bob Saget. Now, I know he's known for how offensive he is. And it's pretty much impossible to offend me. I guess his bit is everyone thinks of him as the nice Full House dad but he's totally off color and offensive. The thing is - he wasn’t funny. And I mean at all. I wasn’t offended, but he was just bad. It was if ragging on his fellow co-stars and calling everyone gay was all he could muster. The crowd wasn’t into him either. People were getting up to get food or go to the restrooms or whatever, but he lost the crowd. I was quite disappointed. The only good part of his bit was when he was ragging on John Stamos and then he walked out and they bantered a bit back and forth. Can I just say John Stamos is so damn pretty.
After Bob was Brad Williams. This guy KILLED IT! He's a midget, so of course that was most of his material, but he had me in stiches!! I was crying half my make up off I was laughing so hard. He was absolutely brilliant and the crowd loved him. He also lives in Fullerton!!!! I hope to run into him someday and tell him how hilarious he was. He ended his set by giving Lisa May (one of the DJ's on Kevin & Bean) a lap dance. I died. He was my favorite of the evening. I don’t remember the last time I laughed as hard as I did at his set.
Next up was Tim Minchin. This guy is a trip. I have seen him before. He's sort of like a blonde Russell Brand. He's a brit and he's odd and he plays the piano and makes up these random hilarious songs. He also does the weirdest faces but they work. He was great.
After him was Eddie Ifft. Sucked. Again - it was like this guy was trying too hard to be offensive and it was just stupid. He wasn’t funny at all. I actually started to doze a bit during his set.
After that guy was Jay Mohr. Jay is one of my faves. I love him. He's odd and funny and I just love him. His set was great. It started a bit slow and he got quite a cheer when he said "It's pretty apparent we're all fighting for 2nd place after Brad!” Awesome. He moved along smoothly and kept me laughing the whole time.
Then we had Jim Jeffries. This guy is an Aussie and was hilarious up until the end. Now T loved him and actually cried off her makeup during his set. He was funny, but at the end he just went a little too far for me. His shtick was pretty much saying things that the audience response is "Oh he did not just go there..." sort of thing. Again - I wasn’t offended, but it did seem to go just a little too far for my taste. But for the most part - dude was frickin hilarious.
Last but defiantly not least was of course Eddie Izzard. He was fabulous and hilarious as always. I would have liked to hear some new stuff; he did pull out a lot of his old stuff. The other bummer was he wasn’t a crowd pleaser. See Eddie is highbrow humor as T puts it. This crowd is a little more poop and fart joke kind of crowd. So I don’t think they appreciated Eddie as much as those of us who were obviously there just for Eddie. I love him. I thought he was brilliant as always. I laughed and laughed.
All in all it was a fantastic evening. I had two fantastic girlfriends, I had a great meal and I laughed my ass off which is what I need so much right now.
We headed home, tired and happy. I took a couple of shots of Jay and Eddie. Had I not been laughing so hard I would have tried to catch Brad. These are with my iPhone so the quality sucks but I posted them anyway!
Laughter truly is the best medicine!!

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