Saturday, October 30, 2010

David Sedaris...

I met him Wednesday night.
David Sedaris is one of my favorite authors. I picked up his book Naked, after reading some excerps from Holiday's on Ice. I fell in love. Here was a guy who writes about the mudane turning into glorious humor, or taking life's bullshit and turning it around to make you laugh out loud. It's my style. I love when someone can take some crappy experiences and turn them into humor. He inspires the way I write. I hope that all my trials and tribulations have been at least amusing. I found sometimes when I would bitch or vent about something people would be laughing in response. I loved this. I loooooove to make people laugh.
My 2nd or 3rd day at Chapman University - my new boss was showing me how to use the "My Window" feature we have and I saw that he was coming to do a reading and book signing in October - I flipped out. Just a little. I immediatly purchased my ticket and eagerly awaited the day to come when I could meet one of my favorite authors. I've never been to a book reading/signing so I was excited for this new experience. As the day arrived, and musical tickets ensued now that I've made a few friends at work - my office mate and I had dinner (I introduced him to Saki - he's now obssessed) and we arrived an hour early. I had heard he was going to do some signings before the show and I wanted to make sure I got my book signed. I was 3rd in line.
Around 7:30 he arrived and I stood nervously clutching Naked. He was shorter then I thought and a little older looking. I had chosen Naked since it was my favorite and 1st book of his I ever read. When it was my turn I walked up to the table like an excited little teenager. "Hi!!!" I think I actually shouted. "Its a real pleasure to meet you!" He looked up at me and smiled. "Hi there, would you like a peanut?" He had just poured a pile of peanuts onto the table to munch on while signing books. "Um...sure!" I took a peanut and started crunching away as he began to draw in my book. "A penguin maybe?" he said, then put To Jami and signed his name under the bird. We talked a little more about peanuts and I shook his hand and thanked him probably a little too much.
I promplty walked over to the stand where they were selling his latest book (The only one I havent read) and I bought it.
A bit after 8pm we sat in the small hall as James Doti (Our Chapman Prez) introduced David. He came out and started chatting to the audience, read a story about a rabbit from his new book, played some audio from his books on tape and proceed to tell some very rauncy jokes. I laughed so hard tears were streaming down my face, my mouth and my cheeks ached. I think one of my favorite moments was when he talked about how Hugh (his partner) and he had thier little chores they did around the house. Hugh would replace the dry wall while he would dress bees up in tiny suits of armour made out of tin foil. He also turned a bit about a pronuciation of Nicuragua into a 10 minute speel. He was amazing. He was funny, he was charming, he was real, he was exactly like he writes.
I dont know if I'll ever go anywhere with my writing, but I have to say he's a huge influence on my and I was so happy I got to see him live and meet him in person.
I do apologize tho, I will never be loaning out Naked. :)

1 comment:

Rose said...

Sounds like fun! Glad you got to go!!!!! He's hilarious ;D