Thursday, July 2, 2009


I admit - I'm one of those people who refuses to let go of my childhood innocence. I mean - of course - I'm an adult now, and there aint much innocence left in these old bones, but I'll always hold on to a small portion. A little piece, a little hope, a little...well fun. That is also one of the things I love most about my mother - she has always held on to that as well. I think it makes for happier people if you just keep a little. Reality blows, growing up is hard, life is strange but as long as you never forget what it was like to be a child, a little one, no responsibility, everything was new and exciting then it cant be all that bad.
I love when little things remind me of this. They may be silly to some, but that doesnt stop me from enjoying them in the least bit! Tonite I was outside for an evening cig, the reminants of our beach themed tea party still spread about. I was watching the girls peer out at me thru the screen door like they love to do when I'm outside and noticed the giant bottle of bubbles my mom had got for the party. I thought it would be entertaining to see how they would react to a few bubbles floating in the air. Of course it fascinated them, but I found myself enjoying it just as much. I was concentrating on trying to make a really big bubble, I was swirling it around to see how many I could get in one swing, I was inhaling and exhaling to see if I could make the bubbles breathe. I ended up giggling and completly enjoying myself out there all alone blowing bubbles.
Its that. That childhood enjoyment. Dont ever let it go. I dont care how ridiculous you may look - its priceless. It happens in moments. Walking in a park and you find yourself skipping. Stopping to smell a pretty flower. Laughing until your sides hurt, seeing something that excites you and squealing at a pitch only dogs can hear, or finding yourself blowing bubbles. We cant ever let that go.

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