Friday, February 20, 2009


A memory of sorts I suppose. R said blog it - here it is!
My Great Grandma McCoy was this tiny little round woman - maybe stood at about 4 feet 10 inches or something...all I remember was as a child - she wasnt much taller. She had a hooked nose and large moles and always reminded me a bit of a good witch. She was a lovely woman. I believe she was 96 when she passed away...or 98. I was very very young when she passed on. Its weird how you remember stuff tho - little tidbits - random images - I dont know - they're there.
Grandma McCoy used to make noodles. She made noodles from scratch. I remember this. I remember when she would come visit us (She lived in Illinois) so we didnt see her often, but when she came she'd always make noodles and "Biscuits and Stuff". She would stand in my mother's kitchen and I would watch her. I was just tall enuff to peer over the kitchen counter. She'd be in the kitchen for hours, puffs of flour clouds filling the air - some on her face and hands. She'd look at me with that twinkle in her eye and smile. "You want to help?" I always did. She'd have dough laid out everywhere. I mean everywhere. I'd help her roll it out with the rolling pin. "Keep rolling - it has to be paper thin!". When the dough would be like paper pizza she would cut out the noodles. One by fucking one. The patience that went into this process was amazing. She'd roll, and flour and cut and roll and flour and cut and so on - all day. When this process was over she'd bag up bags of noodles for the family members. These were the best fucking noodles you will ever taste - I guarantee it! Now - the violent part....
My family. You see we all loved these noodles. All of us. My mom, dad, my dad's sister connie and her hubby and all thier kids and my Grandad and Grams. Little back track - Grandma McCoy is my Grandad's mother. Grandad and Grams are my dad's parents. Connie his sister. This is a McCoy side of the family thing. My Grams passed away when I was 7. She lost a brutal battle with cancer - but this fond memory is one of my faves.
Grams/Grandad lived in a mobile home in Irvine I believe. We'd visit - especially when Gramma McCoy was in town - McCoy fam reunion. Now. Usually by this point most of these sought after noodles have been eaten. Grams would usually have a bag hidden. Every time someone would find it and take it. This is where the McCoy family noodle war would begin. I was too young to appreciate it but dammit do I wish I could have been older. I look back and realize how fantastically psycho the McCoy fam was about Gramma's noodles. Again - this happened many times - but this particular memory sticks out....
We had finished dinner/visiting/etc and all the fam was heading out. My Grams had hidden her stash of noodles somewhere she SWORE no one would find. She was so proud of herself. God love her. My Aunt Connie and hubs and kids were the 1st to leave. As we stood out on the porch waving goodbye - my Aunt held up the bag of noodles. I was standing next to Grams. Her mouth gaped open in utter shock and anger - Connie laaaaauughing as they drove away - Out of Grams mouth came tumbling her dentures. Yup. The utter shock caused the gaping mouth and teeth to come a flyin. Mind you this was a bit mortifying for me as a child, but as I look back and remember the entire family bursting into uncontrolable laughter as Connie drove away - everyone but Grams. She was FURIOUS. I dont remember what happened afterwards, but I do remember the laughter. The pure laughter that was filled with love.
I miss my Gramma McCoy and I miss my Grams. I do wish I could have known them as I got older - altho I'm sure I have them constantly rolling over in thier graves. ;)
Its memories like that tho - that for some reason are trapped in your mind forever. Figured I'd share. R - I'll be getting that noodle recipe to you....

1 comment:

Rose said...

Thank you for sharing!!! and *yes* we need that noodle recipe missy ;) I'll even let you help LOL. LOOOOVE you!