Thursday, May 23, 2024

Walking in this World Week 10,11 and 12 - The Finale!

Since this wasn't as beneficial as Artists Way, I'm throwing the last 3 weeks in one blog.

Week 10
Discovering a Sense of Camaraderie.
I was more hopeful for this chapter, because I'm all about camaraderie.  But the tasks weren't really anything of note.
Make a "Tah-Dah" list.
Things you've accomplished.  I did that.  Finished this book was one of them.  Tackled that candle box I mentioned in another blog back.  But yeah, not really into that one.  I mean doing this blog series along with the book to me is a pretty big Tah-Dah!
Another task was List 5 personal resentments.  Something that's still lingering.  I did find that one interesting.  As much as I was a huge pain in the ass and a very "fuck authority" kind of kid - I do wish my parents got on me more regarding college, piano and drums.  I never really finished any of them and sometimes I wish I did.  I also still have a little resentment about my brother always being the golden child and getting all the praise for things I was just as good at.  I don't usually have beefs to say about my family but I guess there is a little resentment there.  Nothing bad though, and it's so different now that I'm an adult and can take responsibility for my own shit storm I used to cause.

The other two tasks were just for future - like make note and keep these kinds of friends around, etc.  Makes me feel like the author is even sick of tasks.

Nothing jumped out, sadly.  I have a wonderful support system around me of family and friends so I really don't feel like I need any improvement there.

I did well journaling this week.  Almost every night!

My Artists Date was a relaxing lunch break at the pool.

Week 11

Discovering a Sense of Authenticity

The chapter talks about encouragement, getting back on the horse, and integrity.  One of the tasks was list 50 things you love.  This was a fun list.  Some highlights are:
Perfect food bites, Luna's cuteness, Poes cuddles, watching Pat cook, when mom is delighted.

Another task was list 25 things you're proud of.  This one was a bit tougher.  I did come up with 25 though, but a lot I feel are more personality traits but I guess I'm proud of them.

Didn't journal much this week.  Walked every day.  And my Artists Date this week was a combo of walking and me time.  Me and Poe went and found a Bonus Geocache I've been wanting to find!

Week 12 - The END!
Well as I thought, I kind of fell off for the last week because I'm not going to lie - going to be glad to put this one to bed.  I'm super proud of myself for finishing it, but I only journaled a couple of nights.  I also didn't get an Artists Date in.  But did have lots of walks.

The last chapter was Discovering a Sense of Dignity.
Talks about tackling a project you may have let slide.  Don't really have anything like that.
One of the tasks was list 10 things that make you feel grounded.
I couldn't come up with 10, but it was pretty funny that almost all of mine had to do with cleaning/tidying.

So - I'm a bit disappointed in this book, but I did enjoy some parts of it.  I always do like a task in front of me and this book kept me accountable.  My next pick up is Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert.  It's not a book like Artists Way and this one, but I've heard really good things about it.  I want to try to start reading more again, even if it does make me sleepy.

So 12 weeks done!  I love to refer back to these blogs for insight and now I have a couple under my belt!  On to what I can discover!

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