Monday, May 20, 2024

Sherman Library and Gardens...

 I still try to keep my little adventure group alive, and although sometimes I feel hopeless when barely anyone joins the adventure, I always ended up having a lovely time and sometimes seeing new places!

I believe I may have been there once before when my 1st husband and I were looking for wedding venues.  But even then, I don't think we really even looked at it.  Noel and Jenny planned on joining and they both live down there.  So they are now actually considering memberships since this little gem that no one had been too, but some of us are aware but have never gone is now this adorable place to visit!

Mom and Keri were heading down for their week long stay in San Clemente so they joined up with us as well.   It was a beautiful day and a wonderful time at the gardens.  See the pretty pictures below!

As you walk in from the back parking lot

The Dahlia's are insane!

See the geocache?

Was stoked to find one inside the gardens!

Little succulents in the stairs!

I of course found a cat.  He was so friendly and followed me around throughout the day

Love the purple!

Love the leaves on this guy

Looks like a sun!


So many purple flowers

I wanted to steal him

Our lil group for the day!

Mama the plant queen

Kinda wanted to pick these and cook em up!

He was no interested in photos

These look like little flames!


We then walked down the street and had lunch at a place called Summer House that was just delicious!
Got me an ahi tuna salad that was bomb!

A perfectly lovely Sunday!

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